
Who thinks this whole CO2 footprint thing...?

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is a whole money rendering thing by the government, oh and the recycling thing- recycle more- how can we wen we dont have the facilities!




  1. First, feel-good initiatives like the Kyoto Accord are worthless unless all countries like China and India go along with it.   Secondly, carbon-footprint taxing is another way to squeeze more taxes from you while you're supposed to feel good about it.  Notice they don't want you to stop your carbon emissions, they just want to tax you for them.

  2. Agreed.  Taxing the middle class out of existance.

  3. When all that c**p came out i went out and bought a sports car with a big engine... Now thanks to government "green" taxes and asking us to recycle more with out giving us anything to put the stuff in just stopping bin collections.. I am finding it harder to pay for the petrol to run it... But i will find a way... Pitty you cant run cars on the BS that the government say then would be no shortage !!

  4. Carbon footprint is just another government wheeze to get money out of us.  After all have you seen the government having solar power or wind power on any government building do they all have energy saving light bulbs. NO!!!!

    Have the government instructed new house builders to incorporate any of these things ?NO  Have they done anything to help us existing house owners to convert to these alternatives NO!!! After all solar Panels and wind turbines are very expensive indeed. NO ACTION THERE!! Have they spoken to car manufacturers about reducing emissions  NO !It is very difficult to buy a low emissions car unless you can afford £17,000 to £25,000  I know where I would like to put my carbon footprint on the British governments backside, perhaps then they might wake up.

  5. I now agree that some of it is hype and hysteria designed to tax us more.. but on the other hand there was the threat if we had continued to create rubbish and abuse the planet that we'd have caused it (and perhaps life) serious damage.

    Something had to be done, and now something has we need to at least maintain a certain level of awareness and make certain provisions for the future that include renewable energy sources and a general greener attitude toward life.

    Throwing additional taxes on fuel as a green measure is disgraceful, we already pay a massive amount and as we currently have no other alternatives I personally feel its taking liberties (but whats new with this government!).

  6. The very first time I heard the expression "carbon footprint" I said somebody will figure out a way to assign each of us rating based on our "carbon footprint" and then tax us .

  7. Recycling fine develope it.  Carbon Footprints?????? What next CO2 emissions test on humans

  8. we need to use fuel to recycle, so i dont see how thats a good thing.

    and is everyone else in the world trying to reduce thier carbon footprint?

    how do we actually know that its everything that we are doing that is making this big co2 footprint?

    everything is because of the government

  9. It's purley a way of introducing more taxes and getting away with it.

    Of course it's got to be acceptable if it has a "green" badge on it hasn't it?

  10. no denying there is money to be made in them there recycling "facilities"

  11. The problem with the whole enviroment thing is, there's just so much polotics and money making schemes on either side of the debate it's impossible to see where the real science is. I've been to a couple of lectures and seen a few documentries, but I still can't make up my mind. The problem is the evidence for the enviromental stuff just isn't strong enough, when I think I've seen something solid it then turns out that was just a lie or something later on.

    A lot of evidence is based on computer models, and until I see a computer model accuratly predict what the seasons are going to be like next year I can't believe those things.

    The one thing those who believe the global warming thing still haven't explained yet is how human made greenhouse gasses can have any real impact when the natural enviroment throws way more of it around from volcanoes. I also don't believe in these patterns they go on about, every graph or colour chart so far hasn't revealed any definate cycle to me, It all seems random, chaotic really.

    I do believe in improving the enviroment on a more local scale, just to make things nicer for people who live there and we REALLY need to start looking at how many species are going extinct at the moment.

  12. me

    plus recycling plastic is a bad thing

    and i live in the national forest, and i'm not seeing the government plant any trees to counter our carbon footprint... (why is it call ed the national forest anyhow...)

  13. if the government wants us to do better they should provide us with facilities that help us do better.  Not make us pay stupid amounts of money for everything. Especially seeing we pay too much already.

  14. I have to agree with you in some respects, but I also feel that there is a need for us to consider what we use and how we dispose of it. I actually have a blog that talks about this if you are interested. But the idea is to conserve. Sadly environmentalism has become a religion driven by fanatics.

  15. Its not to render money. Yes they could be doing better but so can we as citizens. If we all used one CFL we would cut about 2 million cars of the road. Not bad huh. Recycling I do find a problem at this time because in my neighborhood if you dont fit it in the bin they will not take it. Come on now. I agree but there are many other things we can do to help. Like me and my boyfriend have created a low cost way to run our vechiles off electroysis water, electricity and backing powder. And we get 20 more mpg. So we are lowering are carbon footprint, and just imaged if I could afford a hybrid Id be getting 83 mpg that would be great. We ride bikes to close places like anything 15 miles away we ride too and walk if its 5 miles away.

  16. It's real enough, maybe if more people made an effort to recycle, to use less energy, and to reduce pollution, our planet would be a much nicer place to live


  17. I do. Money rendering and incremental absolution of power.

  18. I think it all a load of rubbish & it must be costing the people a fortune in advertising fees that is the tax payers

  19. thing is if it was such a big deal the goverment would make everyone do it, no questions asked bt there nt so it cant b that bad

  20. just douche-bags.

  21. I read in the paper last week that a man has invented a way of using rubbish to produce a form of ethanol which we can use to run our cars.  He reckons that by doing this, we can stop using up all the landfill sites and use a green fuel for our cars and solve the two biggest problems at the same time.  Now why wont the government take this up with him and get it going.  Because they won't be able to tax us and call it a green tax, will they?

    Actually I just checked and General Motors had the same idea.

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