
Who thinks those rollerskate / trainers should be banned from shops or busy pedestrian areas?

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A kid near as d**n it ran my foot over the other day whilst speeding around a supermarket in them. It used to be so easy when kids had rollerblades / skates, as you could tell they were wearing them. Now, they have covert wheels, you don't know what to look out for.




  1. those f*cking shoes p**s ME OFF SO MUCH

    i just want to grab the d**n child and throw them across the place

    that'll teach them to bump into me or roll over my foot

  2. Nothing to do with the rollers, shoes, boards etc, its parental guidance and community sense that is the problem, the kid can have the rollers but if he rolls over someones foot then his Dad should promptly kick him up the backside.

    Problem solved.

  3. they are fine just as long as people do not cause trouble with them - i.e. running over peoples feet! and wheeling on the road.


  4. i do,ive had a few near misses with them in a supermarket.

  5. Yes and pushbikes and these buggy things with babies inside. Ban them all and let us move around safely.

    I'm with you on this one mate.


  6. It will just be a passing fad and they are just children.  

  7. Ye and why their at it, why dont they ban us from breathing or farting...

  8. They've already banned them in My towns supermarkets. It'll only take one kid to roll under a car, and they'll be taken off the market.


    talk aboutt DANGEROUS!!

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