Personally, I think that we should all stand up for our own good, whatever creed, race or religion we are. It's about time we stopped being told what we can or can't do by people who don't know us, and decide for ourselve's what goes on where we live. Never mind the government saying it's all OUR FAULT that the planet's going wonky. I know for a fact that I didn't write to the council and ask them to put my rubbish in a big hole, and then build houses on top of it. (as far as i know it was all their idea.) I don't think there's a lot I can do on my own, but I have got the help of a few good friends, and I think that it's all gonna kick off big time soon. Better to be ready for what might happen and look like an idiot than sit back and take it like a fool. I don't disagree with pollution but when i'm told to recylce all my plastic, I don't expect to have things that they don't take due to not being suitable for recycling when it quite clearly has the recyclable symbol on it.!?