
Who thinks we should all protest about the price of fuel again?

by  |  earlier

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£1/ litre now where I live, we showed when we protested we can make progess, is it not time to unite again?




  1. Too right. We will protest but just like the last time in 2000 we make a lot of noise but no real threat. The PM will say okay I hear you now please go home and sure enough everyone will scurry back to where ever they come from - with not a single penny change in fuel only to be hiked up again later.

    We will all feel proud we made - difference.

  2. You can never get a lot of people to protest against anything. We are to complacent with our present life style. People will pay the going rate for gas, food, etc. as long as they aren't hungry. People make more money today then anytime in history. They are satisfied. Oh. a few will always complain. We have 2 or 3 cars, 3 or 4 tv's a house full so stuff they don't need. So why complain?

  3. i do it like the price raising every single day isnt that dumb

  4. You can only protest for so long and then you will eventually need to drive! They don't care and won't change the prices because a group of people don't like the price. We are paying for it no matter what. It sucks I know. Gas is something that we NEED at the moment and they know that. Without it we could not work, see family, leave our houses(some poeple) etc. It is a dead end. Protest all you want, but you will still pay the price eventually.

  5. Who are you going to protest?  The price of gas and oil is set in the commodity markets by buyers and sellers based on how much is available and how much is demanded.

    About the only part of the equation you could change is the tax on it and y'all have some HIGH taxes.

  6. If you made such great progress last time, how come you have to do it again?  Can you say, "naive?"

  7. Won't matter, Pakis love there SUV'S

  8. i do...its raising as i type lets protest

  9. yes that would be a good thing but most of the people in the u.s. will not give up their 4 wheel drives and walk to work, or take a bus and if you live in  an area like i do it's a long walk to work because town is 18 miles away. so if you can give us some ideas on how to get things changed go for it

  10. I agree, I think we should all find another means of transportation. Then they have to lower the price because then no one would be buying it!! Although, I know I'd have a hard time finding people that are willing to do that since all of them are so lazy. I'm sure 80% of people would say no due to the fact that they're too out of shape to walk/run/ride a bike/etc. Too bad, huh?

  11. I think we should. But the only thing is I have to drive to work. If I don't drive to work then I will lose my job and health benefits. But I think gas prices are way out of hand..

  12. How about not using your car?  That will REALLY show them...  But maybe your azz is too fat to walk or ride a bike or fit in the transit bus door.....

  13. its getting real bad here too

  14. So we protest, then what?

  15. stop your stupid protesting,get real,or get a bike....

  16. Good idea, but how long will that work?

  17. No it keeps the oil patch busy.  We need the price of natural gas to go up too.

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