
Who thinks we should do away with public education?

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I do make it privatized and the natural law of competition will make better schools and cheaper schools. The only thing public education does is....well nothing. They keep lowering their standards and people arent learning anything.




  1. But then we would have the same problem with the price of elementary schools as we do with universities. It is really about a sort of anti-intellectualism movement that has implemented itself into children. No country has ever done away with public education and if it did the country would not last long.  

  2. They are being taught about how to put a rubber on a cucumber and things like that.

  3. Government schools are a massive failure.  Now, leftists, when considering whether my statement is correct please consider both the COSTS and the BENEFITS.  Thank you.

    Now, yes, we need to get government out of the education business through all means, like vouchers.  I will not entertain the fantasy that in my lifetime the government school system will be dismantled, but I do sincerely hope that more and more parents realize what a cruel outcome is for their children to get an "education" in a government school and emerge woefull unprepared for the next stage of life and they support voucher programs to get some of that money they contribute for nothing and put it to good use.

  4. Today's students learn more than yesterday's students. They have higher IQ's and if they come from a family that cares about education they go a long way. The family value of education is the deciding factor on how a student does in school. Every once in awhile a student who's parents don't value education will break free of their family's lack of caring and succeed anyway.

    Whenever something is privatized it becomes something that segregates the rich from the poor. My belief is that the real problem is segregating young people from adult life. We are the only species that seperates our young from the workings of the adults. How can we expect to have students grow up to understand the adult world if we segregate them out of it?

  5. Your premise is twice flawed.

    Competition doesn't automatically make things cheaper. It CAN make things cheaper under certain circumstances, but not under EVERY circumstance. Check the prices in some "competing" gas stations today to see this in action.

    Students ARE learning things in public schools. Obviously, intellectually motivated students learn more than unmotivated students. Intellectual motivation is primarily acquired at home, not at school. When parents don't effectively motivate and manage their children's performance, a student will generally do no better than an employee that isn't effectively motivated and managed.

    Furthermore, a recent decision out of California sided with a university that denied admission to some students based on the fact that some private schools were not teaching science adequately.

    Public education is one of the three major cornerstones of modern Western democratic civilization, alongside private property ownership and the rule of law. It wouldn't be any more sensible to abolish public education than the other two.

  6. That will never happen

  7. Absolutely right.  Privatize the whole mess.

  8. The government intervention in what they learn is the problem.  The schools are so separated according to how much money persons make in a given area as to make the poor stay poor and the middle class to stay in the middle, and the richer pay for privatized education.

    So, I say if the government wants to intervene to the extent they have then fund the schools equally with govt. money.  Don't rely on only the states to fund them.  This would equalize the education received by students.  

    In the long run, they should not do away with public education totally, just find better ways to make it money.

  9. See without public education...many people simply would NOT have access to an education...getting rid of the level platform the US is built on.

    Privatizing education would do about as much good as socializing medicine.

    That was sarcasm, for the record.

    And besides...the desire for an education and the desire to succeed come not from schools, but from the people themselves. Just because you go to a private school doesn't mean you'll turn out smarter than someone who went to a public school, or you want to learn more than a public school student.

  10. Okay.. yeah.. privatizing things makes them cheaper... just like hospitals and other forms of health care.. right???

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