
Who thinks we should take military action against iran and wipe them off the face of the earth?

by Guest56649  |  earlier

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Who thinks we should take military action against iran and wipe them off the face of the earth?




  1. **** you.

    and i'm not even from iran.

  2. Listen I could say a lot of nasty things about you and all conservatards who believe in invading Iran, but I'm tired of getting violation notices for exploiting the truth.

  3. I think that it makes more sense just to blockad Iran so they cannot export oil.

    Most of the money that Iran recieves is from the export of oil.

    Without the oil money Iran cannot buy the technology tp produce nuclear materials.

    That solves the problem without the loss of life that bombing Iran would cause.

  4. "Its a bad idea, killing an entire race of people is a bit racist and prejudice don't you think?"

    Juan R, you truly are an ignorant people. Iranians aren't a race of people, they are a nationality. Most of them are ethnic Persians, as they live in Iran, Iraq, and many other countries in that area.

  5. What if there was a country who thought of us that way? What are you hitler. You realize there are children and innocent people living there also??

  6. why can't we be friends? its called PEACE

  7. Its a bad idea, killing an entire race of people is a bit racist and prejudice don't you think?

    Peter Sheisser, you failed to answer the question at hand, by race I meant s**+'a muslims as a majority of s**+'a muslims live in Iran, and please educate me on how i am a truly ignorant person?, or should I say "how am i are a truly ignorant people", as there is only one of me?

  8. I think that all wars should stop period without killing another soul.  There are innocent people over there who are not putting their finger on the red button, just like there are innocent people here in the US.  Killing is happening everywhere even in our own back yard.  So no, killing and whipping people off the face of the earth is not the answer.  That is why we are in country's now trying to prevent wipeouts of not just Iran, but the US too.

  9. what was and is being done now in Iraq should make you happy for a long time. Little children with limbs amputated. Foreign aggressors like you invading a sovergn country to steal their oil under the lie of liberating them. I would love to see you dropped off in downtown Bagdad to try to make it out alive from all the relatives of those murdered

    have a nice day prick

  10. Haha, I do.

  11. In a mountain of dumb moves, that sort of thing would be right up there with Watergate and the Spice Girls reunion.

  12. **** kid, that's an awful idea. coexist

  13. If McCain is elected, start building your under ground fall out shelter, like we did in the early 60's waiting for Russia to strike.

  14. n**i Germany tried conquring the world once too...Once the rest of he world got tired of their menacing,(exactly what we are doing now in the Middle East) the n**i's watched in defeat as the world burned their nation to the ground. History has a tendancy of repeating itself. Be careful what you wish for.

    Iran is not in our waters threatening us. WE are the problem by creating the problem in the first place.

    Tearing down another self sustaining nation and creating another welfare state is in reality a very stupid idea. We should be able to learn this from Iraq.

  15. You violent and ignorant prick. How about you use your brain for once and find true solutions to any problems you have with other countries. Then use your eyes and see that America and Europe are just as corrupt and violent as any Middle Eastern or Asian country. Do you have any knowledge of history. Don't you idiots not realize that war solves nothing? One day Iran, or Afghanistan, or Iraq will gain power and their people will be saying "who thinks we should take military action against America and wipe them off the the face of the earth?"

  16. Hmmm why don't we just have our scientists create a virus that kills stupid people instead.......

    lmao looks like somebody done pissed off metalmassacre303's

  17. i think we should bring the military home and let them kill each other cuz  were dieing over there and nothing there is ganna change .....

  18. Absolutely not, its the worst thing we could do they have no army or navy. Create PEACE not war have we all been brainwashed on the concept of handling conflict through peaceful means?

    There not a threat dont believe your televisions sets their simply building up propaganda to start another war. Do some research online its really the only way to discover the REAL truth.

  19. no... theres innocent people there, not all iranians are terroists, or iraqui or w/e else there may be

  20. Typical American response. Destroy a whole people and throw their whole country into turmoil because of the inability of their President to grow a backbone instead of playing schoolyard bully.

    The world would be a better place if the Yanks would just back off interferring in the internal affairs of other nations. There is a reason why these people hate the USA.

  21. I think we should go after selected targets and bring them down to size.  It's going to happen.  I think Israel will strike with our support.

  22. I dont see why not, it seems like thats what they're asking for. we need to set a prime example that we can destroy anyone at any time, rebuilding is a different story i.e. Iraq...but destruction...I'm all for it man.

  23. Push the red Button and nuke em all ;)

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