
Who thinks white people are surperior to all other race? behonest. ?

by Guest57874  |  earlier

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i just wanna know how many racist are out there.




  1. Nope. All men are equal.

  2. To answer this, you need to identify your terms.

    What makes a superior people? Any answer to this would be subjective, and would depend on other factors. The only really objective judge is nature herself, and no race has come close to dying out for the past two hundred years.

    So you need to ask, superior at what? Physically, you could easily argue that black people are - generally speaking - superior athletically, compared with other races. You could argue that white people have minds better adapted to commerce than other races. You could argue that Asians are better at forming large, coherent, functioning societies. (Can you picture an African or North American nation of more than a billion people? Asia has two of them living right next to each other.)

    What science tells us is that all men are not created equal: Different races have adapted to different environmental conditions. However, evolution states that those races are each as highly adapted to their environments as each other. Interestingly, it also tells us that tree-ferns or sea-snails are equally as highly adapted to their environments as we humans are to ours.

    It's also interesting to note that racism is a natural human behaviour, and has been a good survival trait for the past million years at least.

  3. There is no superior race.  Each race has its own uniqueness, which is what makes the world so great.  If it were not for all the differences in people, the world would be boring.  Anyone who thinks his/her race is superior to the next is living in a world of his/her own.

  4. There's a lot of racists out there, but the difference between the DNA of white, black, brown, yellow people is less than 2/10 of 1% and of those differences it isn't even race related.  

  5. I know a lot of stupid white people too!

  6. Not me. I am white and don't believe caucasians are superior to any other race. I do believe there are differences in culture and physical characteristics between people of different races that may make them better at one thing or another than other races, but each race has their strong points and weaknesses.

    If you have any serious beliefs on racial superiority, check out the Olympics, the World Trade Committees, and the vast number of different races who have started businesses. We are a world of different colors, sizes, shapes and specialties, and it is pretty well represented in those areas. When given a chance, people of all races are able to do great things.  

  7. Um, definitely not me. No race is better than another.

  8. I dont think that, and I am about as white as it gets

  9. No all men are equal. But all women cat anime girls are suporior. We shall rule the world. muwhahaha

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