
Who thinks who is wrong in the Russia sending peace keeping troops to Georgia?

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Lets see Georgia, attacked a Russian Peacekeepers barracks killing a dozen of there armed soldiers, which made Russia respond with a deployment to that reign, and a all out war broke out.

So, who is wrong by defending themselves?

Is there any fool who thinks we should end the world in a nuclear war by USA attacking Russia?

If so, please raise your hand.




  1. revanish...

    you dirty scum douche bag!

    Russia did nothing wrong.

  2. For starters Russia is a piece of **** !

    If they do not want there so called peace keepers hurt or killed they should get them the h**l out of Georgia !!!

    As well as all of there so called citizens !

    As for the American leaders if you sit there and let ****head Russia go unpunished for there violation and the killing of innocent  of woman and children of georgia !

    You are truly worthless in my eyes and perhaps the eyes of all of our allies as well !

  3. Peacekeepers don't land grab by issuing their own passports to the population of the regions they are entrusted with.

    I doubt you'll find anyone who advocates Nuclear conflict.

    Russia has done nothing to advance their Imperialist aspirations. This will only serve to fast track the former Soviet States to install Missle Defense systems and NATO bases.

    These nations will never again be subjugated by Russia.

    Russia should enjoy the daylight while they can. The Iron curtain of isolationism is about to close on them again...this time they'll be very much alone.

  4. whatever. lets have the mexicans gaurd the border for us.

  5. Russia is in the wrong.....

  6. 1.- Georgia attacked,2.-got a well deserved,response,3.-"whoever"is not Iraq.

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