
Who this global warming is BULL?

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I think that global warming is a bunch of bs, its a big distraction from the real corruptions in the government. all who agree or disagree, explain?




  1. don't get out much?

  2. No way its true , not by human interaction

  3. Nope.  It's real, and mostly caused by us.

    This is science and what counts is the data, not people's intuition.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  4. yes it is bull.

  5. Global Warming is true. But there obviously focusing on the wrong problems. in fact Global Warming is not even a problem. I mean why should it be? It's a natural process where we man can barely affect it.

    Here are some articles I found that are WORTH READING:



    (most relevant)


    Trust me, balming global warming for the death of many on Hurricane katrina is obviously missing the real problem.

    blame it on infrastructure.

    instead of stopping global warming they should have spent it on more REAL problems like:



    Even if Global Wareming is true and we caused it would it make the poor richer?


  6. It may very well be "bull". But our society has a lot of economic problems and global warming is a possibility. Do some research.

    And your right, the Government does have a lot of corruptions.

  7. Yes I agree, it is a lot of BULL, but it has become one of the greatest dangers this country has faced since the end of communism.  We also have defefended against socialism.  But now we have enviromentalism, sneaking in the back door.  These people want to control America by adding "taxes" desguised as permits for footprints, and other noncense.  They want to control America  . . . these people have become terrorists.

  8. sorry, it's true.

    i could, like you, say, "I think it's true."

    but how 'bout some accurate data, from a variety of reliable sources.

    "May 19, 2008: The National Academies have released the 2008 edition of "Understanding and Responding to Climate Change," a free booklet designed to give the public a comprehensive and easy-to-read analysis of findings and recommendations from our reports on climate change."  <== here's a description.  although i doubt you're interested.  <== not regulated by the government.

    i find all the "I do my own research" folks interesting (deluded).

    as if they're smarter than the PhDs that have been studying the climate for many years.

    it used to, and still does, bother me that people seem to really think that they know things.

    however, i found this interesting:

    the shorter version of this is,  "It's not what you don't know that hurts you, it's what you know that just ain't so."

    which has been attributes to many folks, including  Mark Twain,  Yogi Berra, Satchel Paige, Will Rogers,  Appelacian folk saying, and many more.

    or, one might say,   "The greatest obstacle to knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."  Daniel Boorstein.

  9. Global warming is a part of government corruption.  How much money do polititicians get to look the other way on environmental damages caused by big business?

  10. propaganda to make money & the pullitical leeders have to go with the flow because they are scarde that if there not on the bandwagen they might get voted out

  11. Personally, I think that it is over rated. I mean, the worlds climate fluctuates/changes slightly over time. Back in the 80's everyone was freaking out over global cooling, and about 20 years before that everyone was panicking over global warming like we are now. And thinking back when the Ice age was, humans didn't cause any of that. We may be doing a little bit of an impact, but I think most of it is just how nature flows.

  12. I think the argument changed for me when my grandson was born. I realized that the status quo, doing business as usual, might mean that he may not be able to live the kind of life I've enjoyed, that his generation will be paying the price for the shabby way we've treated the planet that has sustained us so well for so long.

    Is there corruption in the government?  I cut my political teeth during the campaign for George McGovern, trying to persuade people that Richard Nixon had pulled a fast one.  He had, and though McGovern did poorly in the election Nixon was soon out of office.  So yeah, it exists.  But make your paranoia work for you, don't let it box you in.  I got out and canvassed neighborhoods when I couldn't even vote, because I felt so strongly about it.  What do you feel strongly about, and how will you react when given a chance?

    Do you hide behind the inexact nature of science and perceived discrepancies?  Or do you wade into the quagmire and begin to sort out what's really happening and what you can do about it?

    The latter course is  a safer one, for you and for my grandson and his future children.

  13. Your partially right that global warming is a big con, a big distraction away from other issues that should be addressed, but its also a way to control people, and impose taxes on individuals and corporations.

    State legislation of global warming initiatives have already begun. Many laws have been passed by the states restricting the rights on companies and people . Just run any search on global warming tax initiatives, you’ll see numerous types of legislation that is either being proposed or has already been passed:

    Many of these taxes are also called incentives. What a joke on us, do they think we are stupid ?

    The science is bogus, but the money and taxes spent on global warming is real, totaling in the billions of dollars. When global warming is passed by the new congress, and president look for the money to go up a magnitude to a trillion.

    The only way we can beat this is that if we all sign petitions like we did when we stopped the US congress from passing the immigrations bill that would have given amnesty to all the illegals.

    Fighting for what’s right is essential.

  14. totally agree.

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