
Who thought the M25 up and did they realise it was going to be the worlds biggest carpark!!!?

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Who thought the M25 up and did they realise it was going to be the worlds biggest carpark!!!?




  1. I think it was Sir Patrick Abercrombie in the 1940's.

    I don't think it was designed to be a car park (in the  40's there were about 4 cars in the UK), but that's definitely what is has become.

    Load of Shite!

  2. another one of Margret Thatchers projects I think :)

  3. it was a big mistake .it happened in the planning office .some-one left a cup on the map of London and it made a stain which happened to be the exact size of the M25.and as they say the rest is history[or 117mile roundabout]

  4. A ring road round london was first thought of in the 1880's-it just took them a while to get round to doing it.

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