
Who thought what sting said tonight was true?

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Who thought what sting said tonight was true?




  1. I do, definitely.  Kevin Nash kinda' hinted toward this same thing when he was interviewed earlier last week, re: wrestlers of his era vs. younger wrestlers.

    What he said about Samoa Joe, Nash has said repeatedly; don't let your anger put someone else's livelihood at risk.  He didn't have to do anything but pin Booker, but he wanted to bloody him up because he (Joe) felt like it.  Not Cool, IMHO...

    However, the thing with AJ is reaching at straws.  I think AJ is a good face and very capable of being a main card draw. Ultimately, Sting is in a position to bring these guys along with respect for the business, either the easy way or the hard way.

    What he said about Ric Flair is right on, which is what really pissed me off when Vince McMahon had Shawn Michaels wrestle Flair's last match - what an insult to wrestling fans with any kind of sense of history.  Sting would've probably worked that match for free if asked nicely by the WWE.  That would've been a nice touch to the end of an era.  That is, if Vince wasn't such an overbearing ***...

  2. yeah i did.

    i didn't think the low blow was called for but whatever.

    AI should of never turned still around.

    anyways i think joe disrespects everyone not just the legends.

    over all descent show but not great.

    the outcomes though were very predictable.

    and im thinking next week styles to be the fith guy added to the match.

  3. what did he say?

  4. yea I do and so did most of the fans in the impact zone tonight was a great show

  5. Ive been watching TNA since late 2004, and have watched it when Sting came. Never once did I ever hear or see AJ disrespect Sting. And I don't know if I remember but I think I heard Sting say he was a big factor of TNA being Huge. Well if he did, I would say he was part of it. If it wasn't for Jeff Jarrett, and his father there wouldn't be a TNA. All I know is I cant wait for Jeff Jarrett to come back, and lay down some law and order finally, because its getting well not good.

  6. I missed it tonight. What did he say?

  7. I kinda do I mean they way he made it seem like AJ has been disrespecting him for a long time was pretty dumb

  8. I do.  Every single word he said is true.

  9. Sting was dead-on correct.  The Stinger and I are about the same age.  I, too, have to deal with disrespectful kids at my job.  Kids who've had everything handed to them by Mommy and Daddy their whole lives, now in the real world, expecting that to continue.  Unwilling to pay any dues, looking at those who've gone before them as obstacles, whining and crying about everything, s******g over their elders without any remorse, then acting like spoiled children when they get called on the carpet.

    I don't know how much of Sting's promo was shoot. but he was dead-on correct.

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