
Who throttled Ronan O'Gara on Saturday?

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My guess is Denis Hickie. He looked upset when O'Gara missed touch with a penalty a few minutes earlier. Whoever it was they got the wrong guy. It's that fairy O'Driscoll that needs his neck wrung. O'Gara seems like a decent bloke.




  1. It was O'Driscoll, he likes to gauge and choke, must have thought it was a Scot!

  2. Peter H, Diarmid and Hard as Nails. As a devout Irishman and supporter of the Irish team, i'm disgusted to say, i concur. That was a terrible thing to do to RoG, Hayes' poor attempt to force feed his Mini Cooper sized hand to O'Gara was shameful and a barbaric piece of work.

    I'm adament and hopefully that O'Sullivan will give those lads a right aul' spankin' wit a three week old pack of Galtee Rashers; some even say Eddie "spank ur ar se wit a plague ridden pack of rashers" O'Sullivan keeps them up his hole!


  3. I've studied the video and you can clearly see Denis Hickie get RoG in a scorpion death lock. Hayes seems to be trying to get his thumb in the poor blokes eye just as Donnagha O'Callaghan comes in with the knee to finish him off.

    If you look closely at the incident between O'Driscoll and Paterson a little earlier on in the game then you'll see that BOD wasn't reacting badly to a late charge by Paterson into RoG's back, he was actually taking a pot shot at O'Gara's head and missed and ended up fondling Paterson, which the scottish fullback took exception to.

    I'm not sure who should be held entirely responsible for the incident but if I were the citing commissioner then I'd give a serious finger wagging to Hickie and O'Callaghan and have a general chat with O'Sullivan and his boys to find out why it is that everyone's trying to have a shot at RoG - it's bullying and even in International Rugby it's not right that one person, particularly the weakest, smallest guy, be singled out like that by people that claim to be his mates one minute and then as soon as the ref's back's turned, just stick the boot in.

    It's shameful and if Ireland weren't shite and had actually won anything of any worth this year then what they've done to RoG would have merited having their silverware taken away. As it stands the only trophey they'll be winning in 2007 is the Triple Crown and nobody outside Ireland has ever cared about that one.

  4. Well all Scottish players have been cleared of any foul play.

    So it must have been a paddy.

    Big John is looking rather guilty here...

  5. Considering how every point won by Ireland was scored by O'Gara last Saturday, (and the fact that he is my favourite rugby player ever!), I would be most pissed off to hear someone had actually throttled him! I'm not entirely convinced it was accidental, but to point the finger at the Irish team is just crazy!

    You can't exactly consider O'Driscoll to be a fairy though, surely! The guy has no pain barrier and is a pivotal member of the Irish squad (well, most of the time!).

    I will admit that I was saddened by the Irish performance on Saturday, but they're still the best and will (if France get their airses whooped next week against Scotland, HERE'S HOPING FOR A MIRACLE!) win the Six Nations!!!

    Next Saturday will be a beer-fest!!!...

  6. nathan hines did it....

    o'driscoll is the best centre in world rugby today and along with d'arcy have embarrassed many of the new "world class" centres i.e. hook dewey etc

  7. He probably throttled himself! Or maybe it was a delayed reaction to the smack he got from Duncan McRae on the Lions Tour in Australia in 2001!

  8. AS an Irishman i honestly does look like John Hayes simply landed on his head, Nathan hines seemed to be the Scot closest to the incident

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