
Who thınks muslıms have the same rıghts as chrıstıans?

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I do




  1. i do, every body got rights

  2. I do.

  3. Hi Ozerk,

    It should be about 'human rights' not christian/ muslim. So yes, I do too!

  4. I think they more rights then Christians.  They can come to our country and build mosques but we can't build our churches in their country.

  5. In this country (U.S.A.) we ALL have the same inalienable rights, regardless of our religion, race, sexual persuasions, cultural background or gender.

    (It's too bad so many Americans claim to subscribe to that in theory, but don't practice it in reality).  -RKO-  07/22/08

  6. I think they absolutely have the same rights we all enjoy. This includes the right to have their religion bashed as we Christians (especially Catholics) must suffer. Fair is fair.

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