
Who to mom "or" my son??

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last sunday i was upset w/my mom by her saying things to my son his ADHD. that day his being so hyper and for some reason my mom make a bad comment about my son....that hurt me so bad.

since then she's been ignoring me and my son. it seems like we were the one did something to her.

i have her for her vacation until, i'm confused if i should rebooked her flight. i mean its obviously that she cannot take my son's situation so i cannot be in between them.

plus it seems like she's not enjoying her vacation w/me and my i can't see a point of her to stay w/us still.

how can i handle this?? help??




  1. You just need t tell her to chill the h**l out and if she doesn't like it then feel free to go home...she is your mom and his grandma and she should be nothing but supportive! I would choose my son over my mother any day..without even having to blink an eye..especially if its over a medical problem  

  2. Just be honest and speak to your Mother about this, that is the best thing to do. If push comes to shove then you choose your son. Their should be no contest there... Your child needs you to take care of him, your Mother is a grown women.  

  3. I think you should spend time with your mother. Let her enjoy her vacation.. if the situation comes up again.. i would talk to her.. and try to resolve things.. as far as your son.. let him know that grandma loves him.. even though she may not show it.  

  4. The best thing in any relationship is communication. Let your mother know that what she said hurt you and that now you can see her distancing herself from you and your son and would like to know if she is able to handle the situation or if she would like to be flown back.

    Also, I don't know if you are aware or not but most children who suffer from ADHD have some type of food allergy (though not all). My cousin was diagnosed with ADHD when really he was allergic to red food dye.  

  5. "so i cannot be in between them." Like heck you can't. Tell your mom to grow up. Ask her flat out if she'd like to go home early. If not then tell her that her rude comments towards your son are NOT appreciated and will NOT be tolerated. Yes she's your mother but that doesn't mean she should be able to say nasty things about your son. If anything she should be more understanding of the situation because she IS family.

  6. i agree with Noah's mummy - but i'd be gentler and discuss it with mum in a nicer tone. there's a saying that says "when you're in Rome, do as the Romans do". now your mum is in your house, and the least she can do is to try to be nice towards your son. are you sure she's understanding fully what ADHD is and that behavioural problems are common with these kids. maybe she's thinking that you're spoiling him etc.  do talk to her and see her insight. but if you don't like what you hear - be prepared. your son comes first.

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