I have given my old laptop to my aged aunt and have said I'll get her web connnection organised....I recently moved myself and got telstra ADSL, mainly cause it seemed easy even though that in itself was a nightmare. The connection is OK but not particularly fast.
I have seen some good mobile broadband deals around, particularly the 3 one, and although there's coverage where I live it seems there's not where she does.
Now the question is, should I get a mobile service and swap my telstra contract to her house (I can drop that to the minimum and $55 to move it) or am I painting myself into a corner which will be frustrating if I get a mobile service? I work from home. Or should I just get her a basic connection, if so where? She won't need much capacity.
This is all pretty new to me as its the first time i've had to do this stuff myself (recently divorced) so your help would be appreciated.