I am about to recieve my finace visa and fly to the US, I am getting married shortly after that, the only family member I have there is my sister which lives in a different state than my finace and husband to be. here is the problem. she wants me to get married at her state and have the wedding party at her house. my husband to be wants to get married at his parant's house. my sister refuse to go to his state because it is not close to her's and her husband will be losing money if he leaves his work. my husband to be said that is it ok for us to get married at my sisters but he will not let me have a party, he just wants to get married at the church and go have a nice dinner for four "me, him, sister and brother in law" but he tells me that if we get married at his parants we can have the dream wedding party I always dream to have. what shall I do? I have not seen my sister in a long time and I do not want to make her upset and of course I don't want to upset my husband to be. Help plz