
Who twisted philosophy around?

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Who twisted philosophy around?




  1. Aristotle was the first to do this, and have influence too.  His philosophy contrasts with Plato's thusly.

  2. Not so sure what you mean by twisted, but the biggest change in philosophy was made by Socrates resulting in Pre Socratic and Post Socratic ideas,  I am left with the impression that he made understanding more relevant. But then again there isn't a pre and post for Mr Meltos who wrote down hid ideas although this was a pioneering idea.

  3. Everyone.

    Love and blessings Don

  4. the real question is who untwisted life and called it philosophy?

  5. Philosophy tries to answer all the twisted ideas people on this earth have about ideas. I wonder how one society or person can have ideas completely different to my own. I find that interesting.  

  6. There are different schools in philosophy ranging  from the abyss of Nihilism to the worldly Materialism,from Pragmatism to Marxism, Idealism to Skepticism and so on,

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