
Who u think is best GK, ochoa or oswaldo sanchez???

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Oswaldo sanchez is a idiot but he said good thinks of the trainer to play.

I think ochoa is a great Gk.

He deserves to play.





  2. First of all they are both extraordinary goal keepers!

    But I think Ochoa is a better goal keeper, I think that he can play on any team in the world!

  3. corona

  4. i think that ochoa is a good goalie but i think oswaldo communicates a little bit better with the players and ochoa just tell where to stand and all that stuff and also oswaldo has more expirience

  5. Ochoa for the one million time!!  Oswaldo started crying saying that if he is not the starter that he wont go with the national team!!  Booo-hoo....get over it, HE IS OLD and still GOOD....but he wont make it to 2010!  Ochoa is our future and he needs to start racking up those experience points or else once Africa comes around, we will have a crusty old goal keeper that is slower then h**l, and a young goal keep with potential that wont know what to do with it!!

  6. i consider ochoa the best goalie outside of europe. i don't think he's the 3rd best in the world. i do think ochoa could replace easily some of the european goalies. needless to say, i think he is a little better than oswaldo. there are other factors but what it basically comes down to is, do we want ochoa's youth (reflexes, jumping ability, good hands) or sanchez's experience (leadership, consistency, been in several WCs)?

    when it comes to the El Tri goal, in my opinion, Memo Ochoa should be the one defending it.

  7. Yosgart Gutierrez!!! y El Conejo Perez!

  8. Ochoa is the future, and oswaldo is nearing his end. But Oswaldo has more experience and leadership skills, so, i say in a year or so, Ochoa will be better.

  9. OCHOA

  10. memo

  11. oswaldo any day

  12. If I was a player, I think I would want oswaldo.... he's a leader and can come up clutch!!  I think Ochoa's best game was against Brazil in the past COPA ORO, nothing was gonna get past him that night!!!  but I haven't seen any thing close to that "MEMO" since.  If that "memo" would show up more often, I'd take him over any goalie in the WORLD!!! but a guy that's not on your list, Corona... I think he's cool and collected, doesn't get tooo passionate like Oswaldo and make boneheaded mistakes!

  13. Definetly Ochoa, Oswaldo is good, but Ochoa is just the future.

    There's a difference in between yelling and communicating. I think Ochoa is the communicating type with his defense, what's the need to yell at them kind of guy. Why yell when you have a Marquez or a Salcido who can put the defense in order and working. When Ochoa gets scored on, I don't see him yelling at his teammates for not stopping it when Ochoa's job (as well as Oswaldo's) is to stop the ball from going in. He takes it like he's supposed to and admits he messed up and keeps going. I don't know about some of U guys, but I've never heard or seen Ochoa yell at his teammates or do anything like that for getting score on. Oswaldo on the other hand is the type of Goalkeeper who tends to yell at the players a lot. When he gets scored on, it's always the defense's fault for some reason even though it's up to him to not get scored on. Oswaldo is older, no future for 2010, that's all for Memo or some younger keeper. Makes some mistakes (so does Memo) that can be critical to the outcome of the game. I would definetly go with Ochoa now. He's better than Oswaldo in my opinion and has the future ahead of him.

  14. Ochoa. Oswaldo is a *****, he told Hugo once that if he played Ochoa then he would leave la seleccion and go back to Mexico(during Copa America) and Hugo put his whiny self in.  

  15. Mando, so if america had a solid defense Ochoa would shine?

    if santos had a solid defense oswaldo would shine, o wait... he already is

    is tecos had a solid defense corona would shine, o wait... he already is

    is pumas had a solid defense bernal would shine, o wait... he already is

    do you see my point?

  16. ochoa is but oswaldo has more experience than memo

  17. ochoa is way better just that in america they score on him a lot because america doesnt have a solid defense..........if america had a solid defense ochoa could shine and sven could see him better

  18. a darle con la misma cantaleta. mira tu lo dijiste para ti ochoa es el mejor y vale vergara lo que los de mas piensen. para mi oswaldo aun sigue siendo mejor que ochoa en la selecion but is up to you i know you are not taking my answer cos you like ochoa so whats the point in asking?

  19. here we go again same question over and over....whos better ochoa or oswaldo.

    ima just say this:

    both are great, both are good enough to be in the seleccion, ill be happy with who ever is under the post.....

    he said good things of the trainer to play? so brownosing gets you a starting position in the seleccion now...d**n haha...thats wasnt the reason...

  20. ochoa, oswaldo is good but i choose ochoa any day

  21. omg

    "oswaldo has experience"


    ochoa no doubt about can easily kick his ***.

    only thing about ochoa is that he doesnt yell at the players!!

  22. Da boy Ochoa..Hes a Beast!!

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