
Who used roots in the SAT Critical Reading?

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This question is only for those who have taken the SAT. I'm preparing for it this summer and I've been memorizing words for a week now, but my mom keeps on shoving roots lists in my face. I've looked through the list and...there are SO MANY... some of the words don't correspond AT ALL to the root... I've never had to use roots in my life... etc. For those who've taken the SAT; did you memorize roots and was it helpful? thanks a lot!




  1. Uhh, okay, this is an interesting question. I'm a foreigner, but I've been speaking English for like 11 years now, and I tend to notice root similarities naturally between my original language, English and other languages (this often helps me figure stuff out!!), so having said this, your mom may have a point. Sometimes by just looking at the word, without knowing your meaning you may have an INKLING of what it means, which is great.

    In the end, don't stress and don't let your mom get overbearing, YOU are taking the test and you have to study in the way that's most comfortable for you. Take the list from her and study it only if you feel the desire to, if not, carry on with flashcards and vocab lists like before.

    I would suggest going to the website and playing the game. Not only will you be donating rice to ppl in 3rd world countries, you'll get to try out your vocab skills.

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