
Who used to like nascar but doesnt like it anymore due to advertising?

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its to much. I feel like its all about money. who else feels like this




  1. It is about the money. What's wrong with that? That's what keeps it on your TV for free. The only people who aren't in it for the money is the drivers. Makes sense to me.

    The money is what pays for the track improvements, state of the art safety equipment, good TV coverage, and so on. It has made the sport so much better.

  2. I find it hard to watch races live, because the commercials are excessive.  Solution: DVR.  We have a DVR feature built-in to our cable, and if we didn't we'd buy a standalone box.

    I start watching a race at least an hour after it begins, and zip through all the commercials.  If I start to catch up I pause the playback and go check my email or something while the race gets ahead a bit.  Amazing how even a long race can move right along once you cut out all the corporate sales pitches.

    (I also FF through long caution periods, anything involving that Rutledge idiot, interviews with people I dislike, and badly sung anthems.  Racing . . . that's what I want to see . . . just racing.)

  3. I still like it

  4. I don't like it much anymore because it has gotten too politically correct. I agree with the advertisement also though. NASCAR racing is so much different anymore than your local short track racing. I grew up around dirt racing, and it's a shame that so many of the best drivers are stuck in these divisions because they don't have the money to buy themselves a ride. NASCAR anymore is about money, and because of it, you're not seeing the best drivers in racing. Instead you're seeing the ones with the money and the ones who are most marketable.

  5. It's been a big part of NASCAR for a long, long time.  I kinda don't mind it that much, I guess.  It is what it is. And, yeah, the fans get to see some seriously funny commercials.

    But a couple of years ago it really got to me when NASCAR sold the rights to Victory Lane to either or Coke or Pepsi.  That was too much since Coke and Pepsi sponsor individual teams, and when the driver with the opposing sponsorship won, they'd get out of the car and while celebrating, he'd make sure all the drinks got knocked down out of view. But I think that stopped when the sponsors realized they were paying to having a winning driver trash their stuff, lol.  Or the Lowe's move of the race or whatever it's called. I can't wait till Tony pulls a brilliant move and they have to give it to him.  :-)

  6. Whats NOT about money now a days? You have to have money in order to blow your nose. Seriously. I love my NASCAR, I even got to have money to watch it or they shut off my cable. I can't allow that now can I? But I love my NASCAR, I always have, and I always will.

  7. I don't see anything wrong with it. In fact I think Nascar has the funniest commercials, even funnier than a lot of Superbowl commercials. Denny Hamlin  commercials are the best. I wish they would show the garage sale one more, that was hilarious, "Nope, don't want it. Finished 43rd." LMAO!!!

  8. They already have enough advertising on the cars and from the announcers so I think they can lose the commercials.

  9. It's gone overboard.  I know NASCAR has to have sponsors but they run NASCAR too much nowadays.  I still like it, but it was better a few years ago.

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