
Who uses white unmarked aircraft in the UK?

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Who uses white unmarked aircraft in the UK?




  1. It could be a new plane flying in for fitting out and a new livery!

    Although you'd expect some numbering/lettering on it.

  2. ether new planes waiting to get paint or Planes that carry criminals beign transered, For safty porpuses.

  3. Air Scotland (Greece Airways)

    unless they dont operate anymore

    if not Air Scotland (Greece Airways) in may just be a newly made aircraft with no livery getting tests done on it

  4. these are aircraft that have been built but not been purchased by any airlines, they are called white tips, they are like a new unregistered car on the showroom forecourt with no number plates

  5. All airlines do this from time to time.

  6. Astreaus took delivery of two 757's recently with no livery (white aircraft).

  7. Back in the 60s a white Buccaneer prototype flew from Boscombe Down to RAF Tengah in Singapore as its trial before going into full production so I guess that they paint prototypes white.

  8. The American CIA on rendition flights.

  9. Not only new and prototypes but a huge number of ad-hoc charter planes are in plain white.  As it could be a different tour company chartering them each day, it makes no sense to paint a livery on, just keep to the basic.  I once saw 7 jumbo jets - 747's - all landing one after the other, all plain white and all chartered in for one football match.

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