
Who voted to have the Olympics in china?

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why would anyone vote to have a sporting events as big as the olympics in the one of the most , if not the most , dirtiest countries in the world? Who makes the decision or is it a vote?




  1. ive been in big cities in china before, and i can say for sure theyre extremely dirty, you'll find a piece of garbage on the ground every step, you'll see homeless people lying on the streets covered with mud and everyone just walks by and ignores, blue skies and clean air do not exist at all in china, its all gray and filled with germs, china's pollution is hopeless, china and chineses themselfs are hopeless

  2. I would vote for China.

  3. Have you ever been to China? How many countries have you been to for that matter?

    Yes it has a pollution problem, but one of the main reasons Beijing is so smoggy is because it's in a valley surrounded by mountains that trap the city air. If New York City were surrounded by mountains, it would have the same problem. By the way, China is enormous and there are many beautiful parts of the country. Beijing is just one city.

    It is not the dirtiest country in the world by far.

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