
Who wanted to know how close we are to war with Iran?

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It seems it might happen a bit sooner than expected




  1. Why would we want  a new low level diplomatic headquarters in Tehran if we we going to go to war?  Even Israel is beginning to get the feeling we are backing away from war with Iran.  (It is in the link you provided).

  2. i keep praying it can't happen. would the US really suicide itself just to make a point to Iran about nuclear power??? we DO need an economy, after all, if we refuse to do business with the world, we are the fools.

  3. That would be even more stupid than we attacking them, however it can't be said that Israel does not have a REAL reason. Iran is no threat to us. They are to Israel!

    Both would be absolute idiots to start that kind of conflict! I don't want to pay for it!

  4. are we or Israel supposed to bomb iran every 3 - 5 years from now till the end of time

    the nuclear cat is out of the bag

    wouldn't talking to them be a better solution it worked for ussr , china north korea

    common sense would say yes it would

  5. The amount of "sabre rattling" and threatening that occurs is never directly proportional to the amount of conflict that does or can take place.

    Japan did not make any public announcements directed at the US prior to attacking Pearl Harbor.

    The US and the USSR were heavily engaged in dialog threatening attacks, and yet no direct conflict took place between these two nations.

  6. live life , dont worry about 401ks. dont worry about saving......

    i think by 2012 things are going to be a mess, i can smell it..

  7. They wont do it...people have been saying this for the past several years

    And some of you don't understand, that if anyone attacks Iran the price of oil will shoot over 250 dollars a barell and they will retaliate In Iraq

    Not to mention all those Shia groups that General patreus is bribing at the moment to stop attacking will start right back up. Sons of Iraq insurgency group = 90,000 . Al Mahdi = 65,000. ( Under a deal Patreus is paying them each 200,000 million dollars a year )

    IF Israel was going to attack Iran, they would have done it before last May when Russia supplied them with over 700 million dollars of ToR missiles.

    I have no doubt in my mind there will be some kind of conflict in the future, but all I am saying attacking Iran NOW will wreak havoc to the middle east and western economies.

    You think our economy is doing bad at oil going for 120 dollars a barrel, how fast do you think the economy is going to plummet when oil sells for over 250 dollars a barrel?

    Economy controls the military. Without a decent economy, our military is utter c**p.

    America and Israel know the consequences, they wont do c**p until our reliance of oil is gone.

    EDIT: Hi Karina :) I see you in the Ramadan section all the time.

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