
Who wants a pokemon battle!!?

by  |  earlier

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haha my friend code is 2191 9106 3778 the names shinji




  1. I'll hav a pkkmn battle with u. My name is JONA! and fc is 1418 5917 0783. Just email me on 2 decide the time and rules off our battle. I'll come on whenever...just email me b4 it occurs.

  2. wtf. are u 5? shouldnt u be at bed by now? im gonna tell on u! pokemone is g*y.

  3. You're not going to find much here. Join gameFAQs or something.

    And also, jk5rumor, you type like a 5-year-old. You have poor level of grammar. I'm not even going to correct your poor mistakes that a 5th grader can make...

  4. Kurt

    Diamond fc- 4683 0219 3507

    Pearl fc- 4983 6696 7638

  5. ba$tard

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