
Who wants the Olympics to be more frequent?

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Does anyone think that the Olympics (both summer and winter) should happen every two years rather than four?




  1. Most of the Olympic sports have national and international championships every year.  You just have to find out when they are to be able to see them.  It's Olympic level competition, but just for each individual sport, not everything together in a 3 week shot.

  2. yea, it is a little annoying having to wait a whole four years for the summer games again even though the winter games are in 2 years. But I guess it's worth it because the competition gets better and athletes have much more time to train. Also, the host nation gets more time to prepare, so I guess it's worth the wait..

  3. Yeah! i would love for that to happen. but if we did that building venues and finding locations would be much more hectic and to be honest the thrill of the olympics would burn out as they became more frequent. i lvoe waiting for years, it makes it much more thrilling and the anticipation builds up!!!

  4. Yes, I do. I love it!  I can't believe we have to wait two whole years for the winter olympics again!  

  5. Four years is the right amount of time. Anymore than that and it loses its uniqueness.

  6. well it would lose it's effect if it was more frequant and become less exiting i suppose 2 years wouldn't be too bad, i could live with three lol

  7. I think it should stay the way it is.  If it happened more often, then you risk participation to gradually decrease because of repetitiveness and the whole atmosphere of the games would change.

  8. I'm thinking it's not such a grand idea - that means there are a games every year essentially.

    That means a new host city shelling out millions for facilities, upkeep, security, etc.

    That means more money in sending athletes abroad.

    I think it's just to expensive.  Especially for the smaller countries that don't have the seeminly unlimited resources that the western countries have.

    And having it every other year would diminish the special-ness of it.  If there are olympics every year it's just not as special.  It's like having christmas every month.  It's just not as ... christmassy.

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