
Who wants the Tories back?

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A quick straw poll to see how many voters they have got on here.

If you disagree, please say why. Thanks!




  1. Back? The lot we have in Downing Street are Tories in all but name. Do I want to see Cameron and Co., in power? No!

  2. Yes. This New Labour disaster has gone on long enough now, I'm sick to the back teeth of them.

    The new Conservative government is going to have one h**l of a job to do in order to reverse the damage Labour has inflicted.

  3. I do!!

  4. I'm with Flattley.  The Tories destroyed any sense of community in this country and turned it into a nation of greedy, selfish, credit-card wielding monsters whose only concern is making sure they get their two foreign holidays each year.  

    I grew up in a South Wales town in the 1970s and 80s where there was a strong community.  By the time I left noone knew each other or spoke to each other.  The attitude had changed.  the street was full of immigrants, everyone else had moved away because there were no jobs and those who were left only cared about was keeping up with the Joneses and buying consumer shite.

    Labour may have made some mistakes (mass immigration being one of them) but I'm literally sh*tting myself at what the Tories will do.  Get ready for high unemployment, low wages, poverty, house market going to h**l as everyone gets repossessed, and law and order going out of the window.

  5. That's enough to make me Whig out.....

  6. No Thanks.

    We had 10 years of the old witch and then some transexual called John who left us with a nation full of people who were selfish and greedy. I spent 10 years rocking against Thatcher and her bunch of sexual deviants.

    Mr Cameron has yet to change his spots and it will not be a happy time when he does. If you are rich, fine otherwise vote for something else if this present party doesn't suit you.

  7. I'm not or ever been a follower of this party, but if they are the alternative to labour then yes, i would rather fail by trying something new than the guaranteed fail voting labour back in will bring. It really is time for a change :)

  8. As usual we go in circles as each successive government fills its pockets the next is ready to tell us how they will put it right while really carrying on in the same old fashion and in a few years you will be saying we want labour back.When will we ever learn politicians are power crazed lunatics who don't give a toss and will tell you what you want to hear he that gets your vote gets the power to fill their own pockets and s***w you jack!

    Who cares who gets in they will just be the same.

  9. I want them back ASAP.

  10. Oh Yes please asap

  11. No - the Tories will sell off part or all of the NHS to the American Drug companies.  They will cut benefits to the poor and needy to the bone.  Unemployment will rise back up to the 6,000,000 mark it was during the height of the Thatcherite Kingdom of Doom.

    Have you heard?  Thatcher is to be given a State Funeral when she dies.

  12. Yes I do.

  13. Approximately 60 million of us.

  14. Yes.

  15. Yes please !!

    Can we also have out country back from the United States of Europe ??

  16. no thanks

  17. Never!  They are only interested in making things better for the wealthiest of the country, not the other 95% of us trying to get by...  You think things are bad now, wait till Cameron gets in!

  18. Me for One.The reason is that history tells us that no Socialist or Liberal has ever created any wealth for anyone other than themselves."Creating wealth" is a complex business.No political theory can make people "rich" or produce either food shelter or anything else for anyone.The only thing they can do ( at best ) is to propose a  different distribution of the products of wealth.

    It is now 2008 .We are now seeing the last throes of a clapped out Government which originally came to power because  "things can only get better".This capitalised on decades of pent up anti-Thatcherism but was not a platform for the UK in the New Century.

    Karl Marx is dead .Get over it.

  19. Yes. Why would anyone want to disagree?

  20. I'm willing to give them another go.

  21. What do you mean - we've had the tories, of one kind or another, in power since 1979.

    And expecting Boy Blue to solve the problems Blatcherism created is like taking a fire extinguisher to a flood.

    Either we retake the Labour Party and stand up for everything it stood for until Blair, or the trade union movement has to start a new party that can unite every socialist and social democrat.

    And then we can start to make this country a fit place to live in once again, as a real Labour government did in 1945.

  22. Well, Insomnia obviously doesn't realise just how bad off he is going to be under Gormless Gordon and his Scottish Butt Pokers -

    YES - Bring back the Tories - at the very least - you know you are going to get screwed - not screwed by hidden taxation and backdoor agendas.


    Council Tax UP by over 50%

    Police service failing

    NHS failing

    Schools Failing

    Immigration out of control

    Fuel taxation out of control

    NHS dentists - NONE

    Do I need to go on Mr Insomnia

  23. are the tories the ones who destroyed the peoples rights under Thatcher,when her own party had to throw her out so they could get a few votes

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