
Who wants to ask Hillary...about the stolen?

by Guest67041  |  earlier

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dishes, etc. that she took when she left the Whitehouse.

Can you see Shawn asking her ....if she returns will she give them back?




  1. Alright people, you are all too worthy.  If any of you can honestly say you haven't ever taken souvenirs from hotel rooms, then consider yourselves reliable.  As for taking the stuff, I probably would have too.  Who doesn't want to see Bush eat out of a disposable doggy bowl?  LoL!

  2. I went to her garage sale and she was selling the dishes for a buck each.  She'll order new ones....if she gets in.

    If Obama gets in, he'll use Bush's.  He's "frugal".

  3. She was forced to return over $200,000 worth of stuff she stole from the White house.

    Thats just the tip of the iceberg on her character flaws

  4. Lol well look at Olmamba he wont even salute are flag.There both losers.

  5. Wouldn't want to ask her about it (the things stolen)...I'd applaud her!

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