
Who wants to be next president of the united states?and why?

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Who wants to be next president of the united states?and why?




  1. Ron Paul, because hes the only person running for president who is talking about real solutions that could fix the economy, and hes the only person talking about maintaining freedom, while every other person running for president is calling for less freedom, less choice, more surveillance, more war, in the benefit of the corporations, not the people.

  2. emos are like black people... they dont have feelings

  3. As long as it's a WHITE MAN I'm good.

  4. your mom

  5. I want to nominate the guy from jack-in-the-box. I already work for him and he's a great person.

  6. I voted for Romney in the primaries, but in a choice between John McCain and Barack Hussein Obama, well we know why even Hillary supporters are flopping over to McCain.

    Who wants to vote for a guy who's middle name is Hussein? that would be like voting for someone who's middle name is Hitler.

    I'm voting for McCain

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