
Who wants to help me? I need answers before 5 o'clock!

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I might join color guard, but i'm not sure. I need to call the captain tonight, they just told me there's an open spot this morning!

If you did color guard did you like it?

what kind of exercises do we do?

what kind of outfits do we have to ware?

Can a not fat, but "voluptuous" girl do it?

i'm going into 9th grade, and I don't want to put to much pressure on myself.

Do you recommend it?

is there running and or push ups?

Were the outfits revealing?

I'm a little self conscious.




  1. I'm not in it, but I've met people who are. As far as I know, the outfits are not revealing, and some girls in there are normal - "voluptuous". It seems like it's fun. Outfits were school uniform, which was militarized.

  2. You said it yourself, your biggest hurdle is being self conscious. You really have to learn to say f-it and s***w everyone else and what they think of me.

    Be yourself and love who you are. I know it sounds very cliche but it's true. You are never going to be happy and feel confident unless you like yourself for who you are no matter what anyone thinks about you.

    I know it may be a lot easier to say than to do, but it's true. Enjoy what you enjoy and do what you want to do without regret or reservations. Believe in yourself and don't hold back.

    You don't want to live your life looking back saying "I should have done this or that."

    Do you?  

  3. It all depends on the Color Guard at your school (or wherever). And yeah, anyone can do it! As long as you're willing to work for it.

    Hahaha, though, I'm in the marching band, and we all think color guard is wimpy!! Losers! ROFL!!!!!!!

  4. huh?

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