
Who wants to interpret my dream?

by  |  earlier

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I had a strange dream the other night. I want to know what it could mean. Personally, I think merely nothing of it. But, I'm interested in your opinions. I was meeting with a friend (who I've been interested in for a long while, but he does not feel the same way for me) after he'd been gone for the summer. He was very happy and before even saying hello, he gave me gifts - not only for me, but for each of my sisters too. I said thank you and then he gave me a very long, slow hug. We went to dinner at a very fancy restaurant after that, but I woke up and don't remember what we talked about. Please note - this friend has not talked to me since the summer began and I saw him the other day and he waved, but didn't come to say hello. So...any ideas? I look forward to your answers. Thanx.




  1. Personally - I would think nothing of it. Perhaps it was just a memory of another event, a fantasy playing in your mind, or even just a purely random dream. I am not one that believes in fantasy and all of the other stuff that some people do (fortune telling and stuff). I will however advise you to not dwell on it to much. If you try to pursue something (like trying to get a date with your friend because of the dream) you might very well end up losing him as a friend.

    Just be careful.

  2. By giving gifts to your sisters and your dream shows that he is fixated on pleasing not only you, but others as well. Perhaps, he is preoccupied with other people. I like the very slow ,long hug part. I use to have dreams with similar hugs. This makes me think you are young and (not lonely) but wanting more attention or looking for someone you can spend some time with. You sound like a sweetheart.

  3. You fancy  him, you want him to get on with your family, and you want him to wine and dine you.

    From a male perspective, we love it when a girl makes the first approach.

  4. How Awesome! You meeting in a resturant where there is food is labeld on a spirital level? Giving gifts is very respectful to you. Feeling the long hug says you are a very sensitive person. I think he is too.  You will meet again and also couild be on the road to being sould mates not necessary being intimate but close on other levels.

  5. You went to bed hungry so the subconcious strayed and ended up in a fancy restaurant.He told you that every thing that you both spoke about should remain right there that's why you don't remember the conversation.

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