
Who wants to leave the UK?

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and where do you want to go




  1. Well i have visited many countries around the world and for all those who want to leave i of course wish them luck but be assured there are still a lot worse places.Although if we carry on the way we are going in ten years it will not be such a great Britain.

    I go to Northern Spain a good deal lovely place lovely people

    you could try Riyadh on a Friday morning to watch the Saudis handing out Shariah law.Thats quite an experience

  2. No way, i proud to be here in the UK dispite the gov making a mess of things

  3. I want to live in France and definatly travel to China for a few years =)  

  4. Will I get offered the same finacial incentives as an immigrant here?

  5. not me, been round the world, people dont understand how good we got it here!!

  6. I just want all the Daily Mail readers and the BNP trash  to leave.

  7. I do! I want to go to America but not sure where yet...what about you?

  8. who wants to be in UK  no 1 brushes their teeth

  9. Australia, best country. I'd love to VISIT japan tho, not live there.


  10. i love the uk, especially where i live, london, why would i want to leave?

    and to all those saying the country is full of immigrants etc, YOU'RE an immigrant too when you leave to another country.

    the world would be a better place if people stopped reading the f*cking daily mail.

  11. To the golden sunshine of California!

  12. i do, asap!! Not sure on where tho, english speaking country so USA, Canada, New Zealand or Oz.

  13. I am from Italy but been in the UK for 12 year and LOVE it here but if I had to choose Fiji would be the place to go.  

  14. We're planning on moving to Canada in the next few years, can't wait!

  15. leave the UK? i want to go there!

  16. Why would anyone want to leave the UK? It is the greatest place on earth. No doubt a few whingebags will come on and tell us what is wrong with it. They should feel free to leave and take their bad mood with them.

    Is Australia a tax-free Utopia? I'm sure Australians don't think so.

  17. meee!

    i wanna go to japan!

  18. Anywhere except Europe.

  19. Gary Glitter.

  20. I've often said that, if I ever emigrated, it would be to NZ, as it's the only country with a climate as mild as UK

    Having seen Lord of the Rings films, Prince Caspian, etc, I'd add the sheer beauty

    & my love of Kiwis

    But I always ask God to guide me every day, even every moment, as at my age, having had several 'close calls' - & knowing folk who died much younger - I feel each day is the most wonderful bonus!

    I do often think, as Paul did, "Absent from the body is present with the Lord ... To depart & be with Christ is far better .. It is for your sakes that I remain here"

    I'll never, ever forget my Messianic Jewess neighbour, when I lived in Southport

    Not in the best of health, & sometimes seeming a worrier, she nevertheless went regularly to Israel with etc - having helped in several kibbutz

    & in work with street kids in S Africa & Haiti & other 'dodgy' places

    Folk would ask, "Aren't you afraid?"

    She'd look ya right in the eye & say, quietly but firmly, "There's nowhere safer than in the centre of God's will"  

    Right on, sis' !!  

    Folk have asked me that @ Bootle - & I say the same thing to them

    Where does God want YOU, reader?

    Ever asked Him to be your Lord, in charge of your life? Why not now?


    I still have ya book, '16 Men With A Message' (@ the OT Prophets)

    Next time in S'port, I'll drop it into

  21. me!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    i want to go to America!!!!

  22. Me & the Wife - as soon as her mother departs this life (wife's an only child)

    We're off to Croatia - can't wait!!

  23. Meeeeeeeee!  And my horses and daughter No.2.

    Galway.  Where else!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. USA.  South MS.   Nothing against the UK.  But Love the MS Gulf Coast.  Especially the spirit and friendship of the people.

  25. me

    Finland, Sweden or Canada.

  26. No I love ENGLAND it is a Beautiful Country.  

  27. i would love to leave,  Portugal i would like to go and live.

  28. i want to leave the USA i want to go to Holland LEGAL MARIJUANA!!!!

  29. spain  would  be my  preference ,  as  its  cheaper to live  more safe and

    a  more  relaxed life style , also  less  unemployment and no dla  the

    tax system is better  less to pay

  30. every body does because the government has made this country too expensive and stressful to live in.

    I would go live in Australia xx

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