
Who wants to see changes is nationwide rules to have a nns regular win champioinchip?

by  |  earlier

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I am so tired of seeing cup guys coming into the nns and stealing the show everyweek. there needs to be rules to limit how many races these cup guys can run. how can these nns drivers proove themselves if the cup guys are constantly there. yeah once in a while a nns regular wins but the cup guys usually steal the show. i think that every cup regular can only race 5 nns races a year. plus look at it this way, when a cup guy races one of the nns races, hes just getting extra practice. what are your ideas to make the nns rules better to let there be a nns regular win the points




  1. i don't think having a limited number of runs per cup driver will fly, but i do think having some rule like they have for rookie of the year - a driver is ineligible if he's run five or more races in a higher series - might make some sense for the championship. that way the cup drivers can still race and bring in the fans and give the younger drivers a chance to "run with the big dogs."  i think the rest of this year - with keselowski and logano - could be the most interesting we've seen in a long while.

  2. I've thought for a long time that NASCAR should issue "Licenses" every season. THe license would entitle the driver to a maximum of say 50 races/year in it's top 3 series. There are 36 races in the Cup season, so that would leave 14 extra races the driver could run in. Certainly not enough left over for them to steal the Truck or Nationwide titles from those series regulars, but enough that they could still run for extra practice, money, exposure or whatever.

    I know a lot of people don;t like seeing Cup guys in the other series, but the TV networks and the track owners want those guys in their races. Because for every person that doesn;t want them there, there are a dozen who only watch to see those guys.

  3. Just limit the number of races a cup driver can sit in in a Nationwide race. For instance the top 35 cup drivers can only race 5 races. But the go or go homers can race year round in the Nationwide series.

    It's good for the cup drivers to school the "up-and-coming" Nationwide drivers. It makes the Nationwide drivers try harder and also helps Nationwide teams determine if they are having crew problems or just driver problems.

  4. I agree with you that Cup regulars should only be allowed to compete in a limited number of races per year and not be able to compete for the championship.It hasn't been as bad this year because there are more Nationwide regulars winning and running well(i,e, Keselowski and Logano),but it is still watered down with Cup drivers week in and week out.However,I am sorry to say that NASCAR will never make those rule changes because of this simple fact: Cup stars sell tickets and that is what NASCAR is in the business of doing.The only way that we(the fans)could possibly convince NASCAR to make such changes is to not watch or attend anymore NASCAR Nationwide Series races(which isn't going to happen) and have every fan write NASCAR about the problem.

  5. Then don't watch. The Nationwide series is not a junior circuit. Everyone has a RIGHT to run if they can qualify a car.

  6. NASCAR WILL NEVER change the way they run the Busch series. I have written them and they do not care. i no longer go to the races because of the Busch Whackers stealing the races, money and points from the new guys. Small teams no longer run in the Busch series or the Cup series, Money have ruined NASCAR.

  7. Like I have said on here before, it's a double edged sword. On one hand it is incredibly unfair that these drivers like BK in the 88 and Lefler, and Bobby Hamilton Jr. aren't getting some of the kudos they deserve because these cup guys are going in to the series with help from their cup teams both at the track and back at the shop. They really have no chance. But on the other hand, you wouldn't even have a series right now if those drivers aren't there. It does help with drivers like BK and Logano but those guys aren't going to be in the series real long if they keep up their success. And the only real competitive advantage the cup guys get by racing on Saturday is they know how the track changes. The cars are so different that they really can't learn anything on their setups or even if taking two tires over four is an advantage. What is going to happen is all the small teams are going to get wiped out because the only way to win is to be a multi car operation. So the type of people that made the sport great will be gone. Very sad.

  8. you aint gonna get it

  9. If they run they shouldn't be eligible for the championship.They come in with their high dollar teams and the smaller teams can't compete with them.

  10. I've been wanting a change since Kevin Harvick won the Busch championship in 2006

  11. Me me me~!!!! I want to see it change~!!!! Its getting old already!!!! Its time for real man to come in for a real race~!

  12. keselowski's not that far behind in leading the points -188

    if they want to travel that much in the middle of the season, it must be worth something to them

    i say let'em have at it

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