
Who wants to start campaigning for Palin for President in 2016?

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The Republican VICE presidential candidate has more/better experience than the Dems PRESIDENTIAL candidate! Are you lovin' it?




  1. sounds good.  

  2. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  3. She doesn't look like a President....she seems to very emotional, not someone a country needs in the brink of WW3 and head to head with guys like Putin or Iranian President

  4. Yep that will make her a sure thing in 2012 when McCain retires. It might set up a stage for her and Hillary to go head to head because by then Obama will be the Al Gore of the party.

  5. Let's see how she holds up. What's going to happen when her kid gets sick?


  7. Here's a woman who HAS stood up against her own republican peer for corruption.  

    If she can continue, she has my vote.  

  8. Palin's political experience consists of being the mayor of a town of 6,500 people and governor of a state with a total population of 500,000 people for 2 years. She's definitely not ready to be president, and she's far from being a better candidate than Obama.

  9. I disagree with your experience assessment, and no. Our politics differ severely. I'm sure she's a really nice woman, but I couldn't vote for her.

  10. No, she's a know-nothing.

  11. Yes, I am loving it.  The news has put me in a great mood!  Now my vote against Obama is actually one I will enjoying making!

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