
Who wants to stop the cruelty?

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I am so sick and tired of hearing about KFC's creulty to chickens and not being able to do anything about it. My family only eats KFC once or twice a year, but I don't because I'm vegetarian. Go to or google it, and you will be shocked. There are so may horrifying videos of chickens being slit in the neck and dunked into vats of scalding hot water LIVE! Some workers in West Virginia also mercilessly beat KFC chickens and threw them at walls, and spit tabacco on them and ripped their heads off! What should I do? I don't want to freak my mom out or anything, either.




  1. In all fairness, a chicken really has to be killed before you eat it....what about supermarkets that sell chicken?

    I'm sure KFC don't go out of their way to make there brand of chicken culling the 'cruelest'.

  2. A lot of companies do that with their animals. It's absolutely horrible. But, try not to think about it. There is so much of it in the world, that it's practically impossible to stop.

  3. um well the chickens are killed so they don't peck through your stomach if you eat them LIVE!!!!!

    how else do you want them on your plate???!!!!?!?!!?

  4. I want to stop cruelty and I totally agree with you that people should at least be informed on this matter.  I am a fan of what you posted 100percent.  And I think we all would do our part if we didnt support these types of places with our patronage. Not to mention they just found urine in food at one of the KFC's that was served to small childeren and were made sick.  I do what I can not to support that and not eating meat totally is my answer. The "food chain" comment above mine as well: So we are the smartest on the top of the food chain, we are better than these animals huh?  Well then why are we so ignorant as to treat another animal in this way.There is a difference in legit slaughtering no cruelty, and the ignorance thats going on now with the "farms".  Just remember as you sit down for your delicious KFC that burns baby chicks beaks off with hot wires, that the drumstick your gnawing on has probably come from a diseased chicken that was fed...get this...chickens that died from disease around it. And that juicy breast your cutting full of steriods, that Your man b***s will surely be prominent. But we all know that KFC's chicken was never juicy or good in the first all should have know something was up when your chicken crispy strips look like shriveld fried cat p**p. As for the Darfur comment posted above mine..Correct that is horrifying what is happening and im appaled.  And I will also do anything I can to help that!!!!!!!

  5. i agree but it is taste, have you tried their wings? omg

  6. I think those pictures that tell everyone that KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Cruelty are pretty funny. What? They are?

    It's so cool seeing chickens dying anyway. There's so many funny possibilities.

    If you don't agree, you're a... a... an animal lover..? I don't know. You probably stand for the environment which I stand against.

  7. That's disgusting...and yes, I know they will die anyways but still. There should be some decentcy and professionalism about it. The people who are conducting these abusive behaviors obviously have some issues of their own! My family will sure not eat there again.

    If these videos are out there and are authentic, doesn't the USDA have to step in or at least investigate it??  

    Of course there are alot of problems in the world, like other people's answers suggest, but it doesn't make this one any less sickening then it is.

    We should care what is happening to the animals and how they are being treated if we're going to eat them!

    So, yes, I do want to stop cruelty but honestly, it won't happen...

  8. i HATE animal cruelty. I totally agree with you on how mean the people are. If i watch those videos I will probably have a heart attack. hearing about it is enough. you should try and find someone you can notify that can help with this. tell people about it and try to convince them to stop eating there. I know I will stop eating there.

  9. I dont believe ANYthing PETA puts out.  They have their own agenda.  Also, they kill the animals they "rescue".  Besides, I like that tasty chicken mmm-mmm!

  10. ok, not to be rude but thuer going to die either way.  you cant stop all of americs from eating there so thier going to do that regardless.  these are chickens that are bread to be killed.  its not like they were wandering around the woods and got causght.

  11. i understand where your coming from but uh, cycle of life.

  12. I am not sure who to side with.

  13. r u joking???

    women are being raped in darfur

    children are dying in third world countries

    child molesters are being released

    drugs are killing our society

    and u want to save a chicken????

  14. Why would anyone "beat" a chicken? Or "spit tobacco" on a chicken? These sound like far fetched claims. I think someone may be playing a joke on you!

    I am grossly more concerned with the beating of children, those imprisoned wrongly, battered wives, rape, war, murder  and generally, the atrocities against the HUMAN race.

    You may be outraged by a chicken having tobacco spit on it or the death of a chicken. I prefer to put my time and energy into being outraged by the crimes against human beings.

    As to eating chicken, beef or pork...these are not endangered species. This is what these animals were put on the Earth to do....feed people. I think you should look at your priorities, and get them straight.

  15. to "asian are hot" if someone kills you, well, you were gonna die anyways!

    Now my answer:

         the lion doesn't enjoy killing other animals but he needs them to survive, I don't enjoy working but if I dindn't work, how would I eat?

    I don't think it's wrong eating other animals, but I think it's wrong treating the with such cruelty!

  16. ME!

    +my friend megan ;)


  17. What about cows? Should we put all the steak houses out of business too? And I bet it hurts the fish when they get that darned hook stuck through their lip. No more seafood restaurants either? And by the you own a leather coat?

  18. OK,if we don't eat them they're going to just die anyways so it really doesn't matter.

  19. okay, what about McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, how do you think they get all their meat? if they stopped killing animals then no one would be able to eat meat. And when you think about it, there isn't a non violent way to kill an animal. Of course i think it's cruel and i can't even watch it but no one's going to stop it. so just don't eat there.

  20. they are gonna die anyways.. whatever.

  21. I do like KFC, but if they're doing this to LIVE chickens and just making pleasure out of their pain, than that is animal abuse! I would report this to as many places as possible! If you think they'll consider, and care...

  22. I want to protest them to stop the cruelty! its horrible.

    they are just horrible! that is so sad.

    your mother should know because that is just horrible!!!

  23. WEll its easiest to ignore the 'cruelty' as there ain't nothing you an do bout it, sad but true, sorry for the realtiy chek

  24. omg thats terrible!!!!i wanna cry now thats soo sad!!!! Im not quite sure what to say...maybe start a petition or get as many people as you can to stop eating there!! im so glad you put this on here i will never eat there again!!! i also boycotted McDonalds as they also inhumanely process their chicken well thats one more person to not eat there...i'll tell all my friends and as many people as possible!!!

  25. ? Are you storming down the doors of all the cow and pig slaughter houses too? I understand you not wanting to eat meat, but its called a food chain for a reason...If a tiger had the chance to kill you, do you think he would hesitate and ask himself if it was wrong?

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