
Who wants to vote for Ron Paul as a write in?

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I am going to because I can't stand McCain and Palin is not even a good leader when it comes to her family.




  1. I'm going to write in "Hank Hill"

  2. No mom has is easy, just so you know, and they can't force their own kids choices, so lay off the slam agaist her! She's a far better mom simply because she chose to keep her downs syndrome baby. I wonder if "baby-killer" Obama knew he'd be having a downs syndrome baby, if his baby would be so lucky as to live!! As far as Ron Paul, it's a wasted vote, and you know it as well as I do!  Seriously listen to McCain tonight (Thursday) and listen to the CHANGE that he and Palin will make happen for America! If you don't like it, then vote what you will, but at least give a chance to someone who will make this a better America!  McCain / Palin 2008!!!!!

  3. Ron Paul was a good leader but was not nominated.

  4. I would suggest that you consider supporting the Libertarian party. If Libertarians get a minimum of 5% of the vote, then they are allowed ballot access for the next election. Otherwise, without ensured ballot access, Libertarians are subject to strict ballot access requirements that suck up time, money, and energies.

  5. If you want to send a real message to the One the Pretends It's Two, then vote for the Libertarian, Bob Barr.

    On the other hand, and this is something that has given me pause, a fellow Libertarian wrote an interesting editorial about how voting for McCain/Palin, specifically for Palin, is a message to Washington on its own. She does not have a lengthy resume of Washington insider-ness, as McCain and Biden have, or the backing of a corrupt government machine, as Obama does in Chicago-- she truly is the "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" archetype.

    This hasn't changed my mind, but the thought-- and her speech, along with what I've seen of her record-- is something new into the mix.

  6. I don't know why anyone would vote for one of these 3rd party candidates.  All it does is totally throw your vote out the window.  "But we can make a statement!"  Yah, the 2% of people who vote for someone else are really gonna make a statement.  Wasted. Vote.  I always say, you have to pick the best of the worst, and there is no way anyone with half a brain (and/or half a heart) would possible think that McCain is the best we can do.  Can anyone say McBush?  Old "One Foot in the Coffin" (as I like to call him) has agreed with Bush >90% of the time in the last 8 you think Bush was right 90% of the time?  And especially now that McCain put Palin on deck to take over the White House if something happens to him.  Can we really take that risk?

  7. Not me.

    You are wasting your vote. And you are so misguided about the family issue. Come on!!

  8. In some states, mine being one of them, if the candidate is not registered as a write in they don't count it.  He just wouldn't show up on the vote total.

  9. Only people who want to waste their vote.  Ron Paul isn't running anymore.  Not as a Republican or anything else.

  10. If I wrote in anyone I would write in myself because I know I am real.  As it is I am voting for McCain.

  11. Ron Paul was the only one who made sense.  His position was to understand the intent of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.  One of his biggest gripes was the US tendency to become involved in foreign entanglements and foreign wars.  It is not our mission to spread democracy all around the world, by force or otherwise.  The candidates today are downright scary, and the other night I heard Mitt Romney in a speech at the RNC basically say that the US must attack any number of foreign countries.  Warmongering was not the intent of the framers of the Constitution, and here is where virtually all politicians today have it dead wrong.

    Ron Paul was just too radical for mainstream politics and the mainstream media, who have all drifted off course and will send this country down the road to ruin.  I'm voting for Ron Paul because I can not vote for the candidates put forward by the Party Machines.

  12. Sadly he was probably the last hope for the declining American Empire.

  13. Whats the point in that? He won't win

  14. LOL.  So voting for someone who can't hear, let alone LEAD is a real good choice.  Btw, all his votes would go to McCain, so thank you :).

  15. Absolutely not. He would be our end.

  16. Ron Paul isn't going to win, vote whose better off Mccain, or **** up the nation.

  17. Either Paul or Bob Barr for me.  

  18. Just stay home why waste the gas.

  19. Yes maybe. I'm turn between that and voting libertarian.

  20. I will. I for one like a Presidential candidate that is honest.

  21. I would definately vote for Ron Paul, but saddly it would be throwing my vote away...

    stupid 2 party system

  22. Like that's going to accomplish anything...

  23. I will if he will file the one page form necessary to have write in votes counted in California.  In Louisiana, it looks like he will actually be on the ballot...

  24. I'm with you. Can't believe that the GOP picked that crypto-liberal McCain. Palin is okay, but it's clear she's not ready for prime time...and there's a fair chance she'd have to take office. Just saying.

  25. For a while I really wanted to. Most of my friends still do. But now some of us are starting to think about Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate. He is very close to Ron Paul on most all his views. I heard him speak at the Revolution March in D.C. and was very impressed. It pretty much cemented my voting for him. I think the idea of writing Ron Paul in is a good one, but we'd have to get all of us Paulites totally behind it (not have any vote for Baldwin or Barr...if Barr would have just stayed out of it & endorsed Ron Paul). I know some still that are voting for Barr. It may be a threat to the GOP if enough people do. And while I disagree with him on several issues, I think that's still a good idea. My advice: unless Ron Paul files the paperwork in all 50 states to be considered as a write-in, vote for Chuck Baldwin (or Bob Barr). That way the vote definitely counts towards the real votes, you won't have to chance your write-in not being counted due to technical redtape b.s. Just my 2 cents.

  26. Vote for Bob Barr!

    GOP for Barr!

  27. I am... even if it won't get counted.

    That's why the write-in vote was put into place to begin with... so you could vote for who you thought would be the best person for the position... even if they weren't on the ballot.

    RP stands for everything I believe in.  We don't need a government except to protect our liberties.  Imagine if that's all our government did... as is outlined in our constitution.  If all they did was protect our freedom... allowing us to keep the fruits of our own labor.  What could we have done as a nation with the trillions of dollars our government has wasted over the years?  Over a trillion just on the Iraq War.

    Ron Paul had a great convention at the same time as the RNC... the "Rally for the Republic".

    Here's is a video of his speech at the convention...

    Let's face it.  We don't follow our constitution, and that's what's gotten us into the mess we're in as a country.  What's so crazy about wanting to follow your own constitution?

    Ron Paul is the best choice for president we'll see in our lifetime, imho... but the media, and therefore the whole country, pretty much ignored him unforetunately.  Shame.  We almost had a chance.

    And yes, McCain is a puke, and I don't know about Palin either.  Seems a little fishy to me... like most politicians.

    Chuck Balwin and Bob Barr are both better choices than the fascist republicans and communist democrats, but they won't get elected either... so why not just vote for the best man for the job?  ...

    President Ron Paul.

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