
Who wants to watch a White Guy hit a White Ball?

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I mean golf is awesome to play but its as interesting as watching paint dry while watching it on t.v. Doesn't it take the fun away of watching Tiger play when you know he is going to win? Thats like watching a basketball game when you already know which team is going to win. It defeats the purpose.




  1. Then don't watch. But RACE has nothing to do with it. I don't understand the mentality that seems to find it necessary to inject race into every issue. Either you like watching golf or not. Leave it at that.

  2. OK, you don't like to watch golf. What does Tiger or a white guy have to do with it?

  3. I love watching golf and I am Africian American woman. I admit I got interested because of Tiger but I also have grown to love the game and actually understand most of it. I also like to see others win and not Tiger all the time. I am definitely looking forward to the Masters in April. Even though I think those green jackets are hedious.I would love to see Vijay or Phil win. Phil is one of my favorites because he is always smiling.

  4. You obviously don't truly love the game.  If you did, you would watch and admire how far and straight the pros can hit the ball.  Like another person said, this has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE!!!!  I LOVE golf, and watch it because i admire all of them, something you should try.........

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