
Who was 1st human in earth?

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  1. It depends who you call humans, there are subcatagories like homo erectus , astrolopithecus , neanderthal, and homo sapeins. We are homo sapiens, we arrived about 250000 yrs ago from africa.

    The biblical account is adam

  2. There have neve been any humans "in" Earth.  The first "human" beings to walk on the Earth were the first self-conscious beings, homo sapiens.  There never was a first human.  That is a fairy tale.

  3. africans

  4. Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God according to the Torah, the Bible and the Qur'an.

  5. Manu was the first,he was saved by Vishnu's Matsya avatar.

  6. Whether you believe in evolution or not there would have to be a specific human that was different to the rest of the "animals", they would have carried the proteins and genetic stock from which all humans could call themselves "different" from the rest. Ultimately of course you need a male and female, so while one may have carried the vital gene/s then the other merely helped pass it on.

    Calling the first two Adam and Eve seem a good idea as their hebrew names are representative of where humans came from.

  7. i think it was adam & eve...

  8. Obviously, the first man should have been human as he couldn't have any reason/chance to be inhuman.  So he was the 1st human on earth.

  9. according to the hindu mythology 'Manu' was the first human on Earth.

  10. after GOD Adam is.

  11. NOt ME................:)

  12. Adam.


  13. people need to shut up

    thats the most absurd thing to ever hear

    "we came from apes" wow yall must have the brains

    of one.

    adam and eve were the 1st people on earth

  14. all i know is that it was a woman!

  15. We don't know. We have fossils displaying the transition from hominid to human, but it is very difficult to say which specimen was the first of this type.

  16. Christians would tell you that adam and eve were the first humans on earth.

    In reality, humans are descendants of apes. Human beings as we know them today, are generally thought to have originated from the African continent.

  17. I think yes

  18. May I remind you that the Africa theory has been contested?  Some say that humans has rose independently from different parts of the world like Asians arose in Asia and Europeans developed in Europe, etc.

  19. Adam and Eve

  20. if you believe in charles darwin then the first humans were those that first evolved from monkey or apes.

    if you believe in the bible then adam would be the first man and then eve was created from him.

    if you believe in any other things, then there is no answer to this question :)

    oh is this multiple choice? ur question was cut sorry :)

  21. That's not a question to which there is a real answer.  Evolution is a gradual process, after all.  For that matter, we really don't have any records of whatever the first human was, since writing would probably have been developed after humans.

    Keep in mind that humans aren't just the descendants of apes, we are apes, ourselves.  If you view all of life like a tree, the first thing that led to humans was around 4.4 billion years ago.

  22. Adam.

  23. we cant say b'coz there was no concept of talking or namess!!!!!!!!!..........we can only name early man

  24. Oop.

  25. Nobody knows.

    Where would you draw the line?

  26. his name was alberto dangolas he was 5 foot 5 and weighed 150 pounds he had brown hair and brown eyes and was really hairy

  27. There was no "first" human because species are not static categories.  Every generation is slightly different from the one before and after it, and all generations are transitional forms from what a species was to what it will become.  That is the foundation of evolution.

  28. what came first, the chicken or the egg?

    we had to have been created scientifically, in "God's" image, of course.  I'm pretty sure he started with Adam and soon after, Eve (using his rib, or DNA).

    what if we are all just one big science experiment?  wouldn't that be cool?

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