
Who was Andrea Dworkin's husband?

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I am not one to bring up people or issues from several decades ago. I don't believe in fighting the ghosts of the past.

But, so often, the guys on Yahoo bring up the dinosaurs of yesteryear - Dworkin, NOW, Friedman, etc.

So, I wonder, who was Andrea Dworkin's husband?

Who were the men of the 70s? What were they doing? Were they supporting feminism or against it?




  1. What a surprise, a feminist with a g*y husband.

  2. Got this for you

    "That Dworkin, a L*****n, had a husband at all shocked many, but theirs was an unconventional relationship. She sometimes described her husband, the writer and editor John Stoltenberg, as a "nongenital man." He is the author of two books, "Refusing to Be a Man" (1990) and "The End of Manhood" (1993). Nevertheless, it was a conventional enough relationship that when he was named managing editor of AARP The Magazine in 2004, she accompanied him to Washington, D.C. "Who can explain how anyone recognizes that they have fallen in love and that life apart is simply unthinkable?" he once wrote of her. For all her vituperation, interviewers and friends commented on Dworkin's sweetness in person."

    She was also married when young, and was beaten by her husband - one of the many experiences that radicalised her.

    Edit: yes, both Dworkin and Stoltenberg defined as 'q***r', riling quite a few L&G people - understandably I think, as even if their relationship was not sexual clearly it was a partnership, not just a friendship.

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