
Who was Cristopher Columbus?

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Aguy Awomen Aboy Agirl or a cow?




  1. Who is that?

  2. A guy!

  3. A man who happened to be an explorer who was out to find a new way to India for trading as the other route was so treacherous.  He discovered a route to America - but originally  thought it was India.  That is where the name American Indian came from.  He did other voyages as well, but this was his most famous one.  He was not the first to find his way to America, but he used to get credit for it - books still give him credit as one of the most important people to "discover" that America existed in that direction from Europe - lots of Europeans at that time thought they would simply fall off the earth if they sailed towards the west!

    (note:  The movie director is NOT Christopher Columbus.  He is Chris Columbus.)

  4. A GUY

  5. He's a movie director for such movies as the first three Harry Potters and Jingle All the Way.

  6. he descovered america thinking that it was india.

  7. We're not on jeopardy!

    Mabye he thinks Christopher is a women/girls name, but people don't usually name cows unless they don't have too many....

  8. some white dude who claimed he discovered something long after the Indians were already there and he got credit for it cuz he was white.

  9. a guy and a sailor most probably from spain

  10. a guy - he was an explorer and trader

  11. The man who pretty much discovered America, by accident, of course.

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