
Who was George Washington?

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I started 9th grade today in Ohio and my teacher gave me a report to do on George Washington. She said it should be easy because there is a lot of information on him. I have never heard of him before. Was he important? What did he do? How do we remember him today? Thanks




  1. He was just a non-descript-kid who only came to fame when he commenced his apprenticeship, at an early age, as a lumberjack.

  2. He was an Englishman who became president of America.

  3. Never heard of him. You should kick your teacher next time she assigns such an idiot assignment.

  4. its no wonder the rest of the world thinks Americans are dumb when you put questions like this on the net, god help America  

  5. not trying to be're a freshman in HIGH SCHOOL! and u don't know our first president?

  6. America's first president 1789 - 1797

    Revolutionary War General

  7. He was the 1776 Olympic horseshoe champion.

  8. i was confused when i saw the first three pastes. LOL

    BTW, you americans all have good sense of humor.

  9. My friend, George Washington was the first President of the United States from 1789 to 1797. He was previously a General in the Continental Army, which fought against the British in the Revisionary War.

    Good luck

  10. he is the first president of the united states

  11. goerge washington. look in the back of your history book. he was the first president of the united states  

  12. He was an Olympic Athlete, he won 5 Gold Medals in a SINGLE Olympics. Horseshoe Champion!

    He also Invented Microsoft.

  13. He was the best Olympian in history till Michael Phelps came and broke every single one of his records, now he will slowly fade away and never be remembered again, poor old guy, have your teacher change your assignment to someone more current now that "George Washington" is out of the picture, trust me no one will ever speak of him again now.  

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