
Who was Gilgamesh and please tell me something about this being.?

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Who was Gilgamesh and please tell me something about this being.?




  1. Gilgamesh was an ancient Sumerian king, who became the central figure of the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is considered the first work of literary fiction. Similar to Beowulf, Gilgamesh was a larger-than-life hero, along with his friend/adoptive brother. Among his other exploits, he searches for the secret of immortality following his adoptive brother's death.

  2. I won't just say google it because then yahoo sends me nasty letters cause someone complained that i was mean by calling them lazy and such.

    So....the Epic of Gilgamesh is, perhaps, the oldest written story on Earth. It comes to us from Ancient Sumeria, and was originally written on 12 clay tablets in cunieform script. It is about the adventures of the historical King of Uruk (somewhere between 2750 and 2500 BCE).

  3. Put your search engine to work and you can find a lot of information. Here is but one link I found

    Make your search engine one of your best friends. Good luck! ☺

  4. He is the Adam in the old sumerian text. They where written long before the store of Adam and Eve, so it kind of make you see where one culture stole the believes of another.

  5. Gilgamesh was a king. Every story from all other bibles, are remakes of all the tales of Gilgamesh. The great flood, Gilgamesh. David and Goliath, Him too. All story's come from him.

  6. gilgamesh teaches algebra at my private school. he is nice.  

  7. Gilgamesh was a giant that lived in Mesopotamia he was two thirds god and one thirds man he was a king of the Sumerian city Uruk. He was stubborn so the people of the city prayed to Ishtar to create some one the same size and height as Gilgamesh and this is when Enkidu comes into the story.....(continuing) The epic is about him searching for immortality. He has to travel to the other side of the ocean to meet Utnapishtim who is the one who holds the secrets of immortality. Utnapishtim is the same as Noah of Genesis. Genesis up in till Abraham is all Sumerian epics rewritten and reinterpreted. You should defiantly read it. I don't want to tell you the whole exact tale.

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