
Who was Persephone and why did she eat pomegranates?

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  1. she got tricked into eating them so she would stay in the underworld forever by the god because he loved her!! :)

  2. hades grab peresphone and took her to the underworld and her ribon fell out of her hair the one her mum demter put in  and demter cursed the earth then so they had winter for a year . when hermies came to get her thats when she ate the three pomeganit seeds so she had to go down there for three monthes and thats why we have winter for three monthes : ) by a...._j....... ; )

  3.  She ate the seeds because she had grown to love Hades during her time in the underworlds, and it was a way to force a compromise between Hades and her mother Demeter.

  4. u r all rong and anyway this is ment to help me with my homework


  5.  This is an excellent question and one I have wondered about too.  Here are some thoughts based on a psycho-sexual perspective.  The feminine mysteries are based on the knowledge passed on from mother to daughter.  There is more here than meets the eye.  Demeter (De Meter or The Mother or the measurer or the material world) wants to protect her daughter Persephone by keeping her on the surface (= superficial), but Persephone is now fertile and her ovaries are ripe like the seeds of a pomegranate (Apple with seeds.  Apple is Aphrodite's fruit).  Hades is the male principle and carries her to the underworld (the subtle world of depth and meaning).  By eating the seeds, perhaps we can see in this Persephone's sexual intercourse with Hades.  Once this has happened, she is no longer a maiden and is forever linked to this deeper world by being connected to her husband.  However, she is still also her mother's daughter and born of her womb, hence she must go back and forth like the seasons between the surface world of being her mother's little girl and her husband's wife.  Persephone eventually becomes the Queen of the underworld and is able to guide souls in this realm with her torches.  Perhaps the seasons are also related to the three seasons of a woman's life -- Maiden, Mother and Crone and also the monthly seasons of menstruation as the pomegranate juice is blood red and as noted above is related to fertility/infertility.  The mysteries of Eleusis were celebrated for many hundreds of years and somehow portrayed even more depth to this story about Demeter, Persephone and Hades.  It is very rich.  There are connections to s*x, death and rebirth and much more ap-parent-ly.

  6. because she was a g*y retarded lesbien who has no f***ing life!!!

  7. WHY did she eat them i dont need the story of what happened

  8. she ate pomegranites because she is a lesbien

  9. she ate pomegranites because shes weird

  10. she was a girl and felt hungry

  11. Persephone was the goddess of making nature grow.
    She got abducted by Hades, god of death, and taken to the Underworld.
    While she was away, nothing in the world flourished.
    When the other gods and goddesses found out what Hades had done, they forced him to let her go.
    Before he did, he gave Persephone some cursed pomegranate seeds, which she ate and was forced to return to Hades for a whole season every year, which is Winter.
    When she returns, in Spring, new life appears and all the flowers begin to grow again

  12. pomegrantes was an a L*****n who attacked girl and hav u know what with her, she also eats pomegrantes cause she think they re good.

  13. Persephone was a goddess of planting seeds and making nature grow. Then she had been abducted by Hades and brought into the underworld. While she was away, the nature died, nothing grew.

    The other gods and goddesses found out where she was and forced Hades to bring her back to the world. Before she was released, Hades gave her some pomegranate seeds, which she ate. Those were magic pomegranate seeds and she was cursed that way to come back to the underworld for a whole season every year.

    It is a story that explains the seasons, but also it is really interesting to know that in the medicine book written by Hippocrates, the pomegranate is considered as a way to reduce fertility, some kind of natural birth control

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