
Who was a better Fighter?

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Who was a better fighter, Bruce Lee, Jet Lee or Jackie Chan?




  1. Dude, Bruce Lee founded his own style of fighting, Jeet Kune Do.  He could've whipped both Jet Lee and Jackie Chan's ***!

  2. Kung Fu isn't and never has been about fighting. It's a way of life, and as such it doesn't matter who could fight the best. The physical fighting is probably the least important aspect of any martial art. Anyone who has dedicated themselves to any martial art will tell you this. It takes a while before you realise it, but you eventually do.

  3. This gets asked once every few days.  Try a search.

    But to give an actual answer - Bruce Lee.  The other two are primarily actors, trained in martial arts performance.

    Bruce Lee actually developed a practical fighting system (Jeet Kune Do), and taught it before he got into movies.

    Jackie Chan's martial arts training stems mostly from his time in the Hong Kong Opera, form what I understand, and Jet Li's is Wushu.

  4. Bruce Lee but Jackie Chan is the best actor.

  5. None of them. The better Fighter is the Peace Fighter.


  6. I would also say Bruce Lee, he grew up on the streets of Hong Kong where he no doubt kicked a lot of butt. He gained a fearsome reputation as a street fighter so much so his parents sent him to the United States because they were afraid he'd either get killed or end up in prison.

    On one occasion while working at a movie set Bruce Lee was challenged by a genuine "Chinese Gangbanger" type who was an accomplished martial artist working as an extra. He called Bruce Lee an actor not a fighter. Man was much bigger and stronger than Mr. Lee. Didn't matter Bruce Lee took the dude apart. Man was the real deal.

  7. Bruce Lee. He could beat Jet Lee and Jackie Chan 2 on one without breaking a sweat.

  8. Well, neither one of them was really a fighter, but if you're talking about the movies that they starred in, then I'd have to say Bruce Lee. Jackie Chan is more of an acrobat than an actor, but Bruce Lee actually used old fashioned Kung Fu.

    But let's keep in mind that neither one was really a fighter. :)

  9. jet li can fly in the air and do the "thunder clap" in which he smacks his hands together and causes 100s of people to fly through windows to their death.  he can also move in slow motion and make others do so, and spin in the air like only astronauts in space can.  he is undefeatable with these powers.  i saw him do these things in a movie so i know he can.

  10. Serious? Bruce Lee of course!

  11. at least you had the sense to say "was" unlike the myrad of idiots who throw up the "bruce lee in the ufc today vs. chuck norris and godzilla" type of questions.

    NONE of them were primarily fighters- all were actors.

    however- bruce, while he may not have been a great fighter (he was only 135 lbs) he did develop some great ideas and approaches to training methodology that was uncommon for that period-

    Or I should say "rediscovered" them.  he promoted the philosophy of using any technique that works for you regardless of style and it was coined into the idea of jeet kune do- while hardly an original concept (mixing tactics and techniques goes back as far as the romans at least, and I would imagine further, but my expertise in older cultures is lacking), it was something that the martial arts world needed to hear at that time.

    he also promoted full contact sparring with the head as a target, this is probably his greatest acheivement or philosophy as it is the training methodology not the style that makes one good or bad. training more realistically, something boxers and muai thai fighers were doing then and promoting it in other martial arts was extremely important.

    IMO- his promoting "breaking from tradition" was his biggest contribution to the martial arts world.

    here is a video of him sparring- not too impressive, not bad.

    his way of the intercepting fist idea might work for some, but for others it is inherently flawed (including himself) as if you fight a taller opponent, with more reach and range, you have a harder time stopping him. funny thing is that many of his ideas and concepts come from watching muhammad ali (one of his influences) who ironically would have had this huge reach advantage over ali and been able to exploit lee's own ideas against him.

    I think because I'm capable of going into such detailed discussion about lee's ideas and theories on martial arts, and there really is nothing even close to support anything by either of the other two- (well jackie chan might be able to take punishment- he was a stunt man), tends to suggest that lee was probably the better fighter of the three although I wouldnt' classify him as a fighter more as a coach.

    he might have been able to fight- and people credit him with that for his movie appearances, but I think people overlook the fact that if he were to seriously train someone in that capacity, he could have produced one h**l of an amazing fighter.  due to his size, he never would be able to be as dominant as a larger person, and his theories and ideas seem more suitable to a larger person to use effectively.

    but a good coach doesnt' have to be able to fight like a champ in order to produce or coach a champ, if the coach can fight even as well as the "chump" he at least has the ability to produce a good fighter.

  12. bruce lee

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