
Who was a better president Clinton or Reagan?

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I say Reagan was by a landslide and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Republican. I really think he had great speeches in the 1980's.




  1. Look up Reaganomics and maybe you'll see the big picture. He wasted money, and took credit for ending the cold war (which he really had no part in) and all the while sent his country into a recession with his upside down economic policies. Yay for republicans. At least they can act, right?

  2. Reagan by a long shot. All Clinton did was make love to his secret "girlfriend"  

  3. Reagan, by far.

  4. Gowylde probably lost his job because he can't spell small words like "bye bye".  If I were him I'd worry less about Free Trade and more about my own illiteracy.

    Clinton was a better president, by far!  Reagan did nothing but destroy our economy.  Bush Jr. follows Reaganomics and look where that has gotten us...again!

    Clinton wasn't always popular but he was a great president who did some great things.

  5. Clinton did not lower the national debt ever! That is a lie that the Dems continue to spread. Yes he had balanced budgets. But a budget is just that.. At the end of the year he ran defecits EVERY YEAR he was in office.

    The reason they tell you he didnt have a deficit is because they arent counting the social security surplus he BORROWED (yes thats debt as it has to be paid back) that by law was sold to the Fed as bonds that will become due starting in 2017.

    Source is the US treasury dept figures. You can see the national debt grew every year under Clinton and he ran deficits every year as well!

  6. Clinton by far.  He actually left a balanced budget for Bush who ****** up everything.  Reagan, however, just left record deficits himself.  Trickle down economics didn't work then and it doesn't work now.  

  7. well if u r rich, reagan. if you are a working man and needed a job. clinton. but then againg, clinton messed that up when he signed the free trade act, and my job went by by to china. i think they are all crooks

  8. Clinton. Paid off $360 billion of the national debt

    Between 1998-2000, the national debt was reduced by $363 billion — the largest three-year debt pay-down in American history.Raised education standards, increased school choice, and doubled education and training investment

  9. Reagan was an actor, he gave great speeches. But there was little to back it up.

    What I can't understand is why they would name an airport after him when he fired all of the air traffic controlers?

    Clinton gave great speeches too, but he led us through the greatest economic expansion in our history. I would say Clinton edges out Reagan.

    BTW to the answerer that said Clinton cheated on his wife.  Reagan did too, he started dating Nancy while he was still married to Jane Wyman (his first wife). Nancy was also pregnant when they got married

  10. Reagan.  Hands down. Don't even need to think about it.  In Green Bay we have a "gentleman's club" named The Oval Office.  Guess which president gave them that idea.   Clinton was embarrassing.  Still is.  I wish he would just slither away.  

  11. Khodash.

    I didn't live in USA back then so I can't answer. Reagan sounds more feisty. And Clinton cheated on his wife!

  12. Look ar Reagans VP, Bush Sr. easily rode Reagan's popularity into office.  Clintoon'd VP, Al Bozo on the other hand, wasn't quite sure if he even wanted Clintoon campaigning for him.  

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