
Who was adolf hitler REALLY working for?

by Guest64265  |  earlier

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who was really the puppet masters behind this frontman?

he could not have did this without support of the illuminati could he?




  1. he's working for the Germans!  

  2. I can see were you are going with this, but I can see the Freemasons working with him or him for them way! before the Illuminati

    And a little known fact look up some info on Alister Crowley and the excavation digs of the n**i party and you can put together some real facts about the true plans behind the n**i party, Alister Crowley was kicked out of Germany about a year before Adolf Hitler took office and Alister Crowley swore revenge on Germany because of that, do you know what he was kicked out of Germany for ? well if not it was because of witch craft now if you want to put together some thing you say he couldn't have done it alone ? well Alister Crowley and Adolf Hitler were in the same masonic lodge together and made weekly meetings together in the lodges that Adolf eventually became head of that helped him get into office

    crazy huh ?  

  3. Himself. Period.

    Not so crazy, MasterMind. There is a lot of evidence to support it. The Rites of the SS come immediately to mind.

  4. u on drugs? the illuminati for the n***s? u dont know much about politics do you?

  5. Yes, he was the top dog, just like Stalin was the top dog. When he assumed the throne, people feared him, and those who were in a position of authority did their best to earn his support and respect.

    Hitler was a maniac, and he also had a poor work ethic when he eventually did become the Fueher. He wasn't all that intelligent, but the people who worked directly under him were very good at what they did, and that's why things lasted up until they got over their heads in WWII.

  6. Being that he slaughtered most of them i doubt that very much. his main backers were the German industrialists , frightened of Communism taking over their businesses . he used their money not their advice,  most were appalled at what was going on although many used the slave labour he supplied . Which made them culpable to what happened  

  7. Just a comment on a previous answer [along with the general comment that this question is kinda, um, nonsense]: One of the first things Hitler did was to close down the Masonic lodges in Germany, and Freemasons were some of the first sent to concentration camps, yes, even before the Jews.  

    It is believed that Air Marshall Hermann Goering had been a Freemason.  Shortly before the order went out from Berlin to close the lodges and start arresting Masons, Goering actually put his neck on the line and secretly sent warning to one lodge, which managed to spread the word, allowing lodges to destroy their membership rosters and letting many Masons to go incognito.  It is suspected that Goering had been a member of the lodge to which he sent warning; however it is debatable whether he did this because of a last shred of honour, or just to make sure that >his< name never turned up on a membership list and got him sent to a camp.

  8. satan!

  9. Was Hitler a Rothschild? (And therefore Illuminati?)

    Check this link:

  10. He was funded by industrialists, arms makers, Henry Ford and General Motors.  Ford and GM both had plants in Germany right up til 1945, producing all kinds of war materiel.

    German industrialists wanted to rebuild German economic power (Hitler took over at the bottom of a world-wide depression).  Hitler brought stability and pride.


  12. himself and who ever the little voice inside his head was.

  13. he was working for himself, he wasn't a president, he was more like a king, the whole military was on his side, someone din't listen, he would get his soldier friends, nobody was behind him, but the military, a strong military is power!!! thats y countries spend so much money on their military, even when theres no war going on, but just to someday take over the world, thats what its all about, when the world ends, the president with the most land in his country wins, thats just a game not many people know about, and were part of it!!!!!!! we r the puppets!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Is it possible he was working for Adolf Hitler?

  15. he was working on the side as a traffic warden

  16. it was my uncle Derek , the n**i scumbag, didn't visit me nana for 5 years 39-45, i reckon he was controlling the whole thing from his garden shed

  17. Adolf Hitler - a frontman! hahaha I can just see him being controlled by someone...

    He ruled by fear.  He got to the position of power through the sense of injustice and humiliation felt after the Treaty of Versailles after WW1 - the population felt betrayed by the Kaiser and govt of the time and was ripe for a bit of finger pointing and nationalism.  Hitler = right time, right place.

    Once in power he didn't need anyone else and that's what made him a powerful, terrifying figure.  If you didn't agree - you were simply killed.

  18. Hitler's ideas were his own but he managed to get the support if some powerful industrialists

    Of course he led them all to disaster

  19. Okay... others have joked but my answer is serious. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the n**i party, which developed after he was already elected and in power. He started out with a platform of promising jobs and success (or at least financial stability) for everyone under his power, at a time when the German economy wasn't so hot and lots of people were out of jobs and out of luck. In my classes, I compare him to the powerful people in gangs (or in the mob). A gang will approach a youngster or teen who is unsure of his place in the world, with maybe a sorry home life, and with little self-esteem, and they promise him protection, power, and even money. But of course, there is a price in both situations.

  20. Well he did buy alot of the oil for his planes from an American company... Standard Oil! His planes couldn't run with out it!

  21. his ego

  22. No doubt, the Devil.


  23. he was working for his own greed and ambition

  24. Personally I believe Hitler was possessed.

  25. Lucifer

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