
Who was at Stonehenge and saw the sun rise this morning?

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Who was at Stonehenge and saw the sun rise this morning?




  1. No, sorry. I was tucked up and snoring like a good'un when the sun rose this morning.

    But I think I would like to see that one year - even though I'm as far away from a Druid or Hippie as you can get.

    Don't ask me why I want to see it though! It's just one of those things I want to say I've experienced - like NOT waking up with a hangover the morning after a night knocking back the booze, lol.

  2. me jesus jumped out and said i will return for the world cup then jumped back

  3. A man called 'Eric' from Wigan (who thinks he is a reincarnation of William Stukeley). and some other people.

  4. Pagans that's who. But there is plenty of red hot heat where they are going so why wake early for that.

  5. a bunch of hippy tax skippin dodgers no doubt.

  6. Nah i saw the exact same sun at my own house this morning. I hope the diggers got started on the new heathrow runway while they were all away at stonehenge.

  7. Did anyone see the sunrise this morning? It's been as wet as an otters pocket here in the west and I've seen no sun all day. June 21st? First day of Summer? You're having a laugh with your global warming. Harumph.

  8. No one saw the sun rise--it was wet and had been horrible all night. Funny how in recent years it always seems to rain if only on that night.!Maybe the spirits of the Stones actually object to the hoardes of spaced out Krusties, gawping boozed up teens, and druid wannabees in bedsheets.

  9. It was overcast. I wasn't there. But I was 30 miles away.

    Did you realise that in Scotland it doesn't get completely dark at night, on midsummers day.

    Dah back to longer nights again...

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