
Who was b4 universe and how it came into beings?

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if ur answer it was a gasses then my question is, what was b4 gases. what is the starting point. if there was nothing then how this systematic universe happend.




  1. The problem is, you are leaning towards the answer "God"  but you very question can be applied there too.  Where did "God", was was before.  As humans... with a very definate life span, and used to everything having a distinct beginning and end, we have trouble sometimes because we feel there HAS to be a beginning.  Why is it not possible that things just are!  That stuff just happened!  Because, again, when you boil things down to "God", you still have no answer, because God had to come from somewhere too.

    My answer.... the universe always has been.

  2. This sort of a question is considered unanswerable for several reasons.  The religious people don't like it because you ask the question if everything has a cause, what caused God?  The scientific people who believe in a created universe argue that before the "big bang" time didn't exist and so the question is irrelevant.

    It is arguable that the Universe was never created, that it always has existed and always will exist; see the item below.  Some might go so far as to say that if you travel far enough into the future you end up at the past.  Or any number of things.  Check various science fiction for more details.

  3. I am no physicist, but I think that the answer is related to time and mass.  You see, time is relevant, there fore there could have been no "before", I think.   I know that it is counter intuitive.  If you have trouble with this, as I do, just resort to God.  That is an easy answer that does not require a degree from MIT.

  4. God

  5. definitely its ALLAH or the creator.

    Someone might ask, who's b4 Allah? then my answer is ALLAH is infinite. And if they still insist, then just count 1, 2, 3... or -1, -2, -3... and if you will reach the last number, thats the time I will answer their question.

  6. Its a very complex equation at best this type of question you need consent from the astrophysists on this one because at the very beginning you need to know that the big bang that released a huge amounts of hydrogen gas also made fusion of those gases so you got a lot of others gases and if you believe in other deminsions than you better believe that they also fall into this picture because they believe that the other deminsions colliding into one another kind of releases particles that will create an entire other universe I might be wrong but thats what Im going by not god.

  7. Read the Bible, and then read English 101.

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