
Who was better looking? Martina hingis or steffi graf?

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  1. Steffi Graf,

    i never liked martina anyways

  2. martina is cute even with the prominent forehead, but steffi bags this one cause she's tall and blonde... not to mention her talent is beyond martina's reach...

  3. Graf definately has the body and legs, neither are that attractive in terms of face.  I would have to go with Graf.

  4. totally martina hingis, there both kinda ugly so it was a compromise on who was a better tennis player

  5. For me it would be Steffi Graf!!!

    She may have been a bit too lean and hard for some but her body has always been beautifully toned and sculpted in my view, and she always had the sexiest pair of legs on the tour.

    I once remember reading an article many years ago in one of those stupid gossip tabloids where they were joking about Brooke Shields posting a picture of Steffi on her wall featuring Steffi's toned legs as inspiration so that she can get her legs as toned as Steffi's. The article later joked about Andre dumping Brooke for Steffi because of the hott picture of Steffi's legs. LOL

    I believe she is the first athlete to be featured in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition which to me only solidifies her s*x appeal.

    Hingis was never that good looking to begin with but she was not that bad looking as well. She was just somewhere in between. LOL

  6. Graff.  All about the blonde.

    She was good enough for Aggasi

  7. This question is so very easy. Steffi Graf is horrendously ugly and quite possibly male.

    ... Martina Hingis, on the other hand, is pretty cute.  

  8. I think Martina Hingis is better looking that Garf... but talking about talent Graf is heads above everyone else including Hingis

  9. Martina Hingis

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