
Who was better? queen elizabeth1 or elizabeth 2? and explain please?

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Who was better? queen elizabeth1 or elizabeth 2? and explain please?




  1. Better in what way ?

    Both of them were/are extremely strong women .

    Lizzy 1 was so alone.She couldn't trust anyone. She changed the country back to her Father's religion.She had a lot to do.

    The Queen has a family to trust and live a "semi" normal life.

    Her reign has seen so much change .It must be very hard for her.

    They both deserve so much honor.

  2. I agree with RoVal...the first one was proactive and ruled. However, we don't know either of them so we can't truly judge what they did. The current queen may be very active in her role but as she's reserved publicly, we don't see it. We see the first queen as very active and outspoken, but was she?

    So in the end all we have is reputation.

  3. Elizabeth I. That was because she actually ruled and not reigned. In those days, monarchs had real power. Elizabeth II is essentially just a figurehead.

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