
Who was dissapointed that barry hall didnt make contact with waklien?

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Who was dissapointed that barry hall didnt make contact with waklien?




  1. He might of got sent to jail for 2 months if he hit him

  2. Yep I'm disappointed...coz at least it would have been 'bye-bye' Barry for the rest of the season and I wouldn't have to see his fat ugly head on TV anymore.

    Hes a thug, always will be - if only he put as much effort into his game as he did punching other players.

    GO PIES!!!!

  3. Of course I didn't want him to hit Wakes! No one wishes for anybody to get decked by Barry Hall! But I would like to see Hall suspended for a long time, he deserves it.

  4. Yes and No

    I like Hall.. so i dont want him rubbed out for the rest of the season..

    But Wakelin is a poofta

  5. Im sure Shane wasn't but I would of liked to see Barry get a few more weeks then one. He needs something like that to get him back in line.

  6. Who is waklien, never heard of such a player.

    waklien, is he an alien, sorry can't help ya Matt,  

    Now how many Hall questions have i missed out on this weekend,  if he goes for this attempted strike then our game if rat$hit,   he knows how to throw a punch, if he wanted to hit   the above named 'Waklien',  (kidding), he could of, as we have seen a couple of months ago.


  7. As a Swans fan I am glad he didn't and disappointed he's in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons...again.

    Having said that- nothing better than smacking a pie!

  8. I was happy - violence is bad for our game.

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